person that thinks they are entitled to join any and every conversation while simultaneously cooking mediocre food and listening to bisexual
bruh why does ch-eff mike think he’s entitled to join our personal conversation
what you can call that one creepy/weird chef at your work that doesn’t deserve the respect of the actual word chef
pronounced ch-eff not shh-ef
bruh ch-eff mike is trying to flirt with me again even AFTER i told him in a minor AND a lesbian
the action of facebooking someone in any situation/place... private/public
michelle: i'm eff beein in the privacy of my bathroom.
Catharine: I've totally been eff beein you in this public library.
Hank: i've been eff beein this ladyman
Also allowed 'eff up';
Infinitive from 'effed up' — meaning to fuck up, mess up, fail at doing smth, ruin smth.
Pal, your silly ideas are gonna effe up my whole plan to roll my balls to Tess