Gifted in every aspect of life; phrase used by Big Sean in his song "One Man Can Change the World."
I hope you get the pretty girls that's pretty at everything.
To make too much of everything such as; getting over-depressed, over-admiration, overemphasizing, overstating, overreacting, overthinking, overplay, overjoy, over-love, overlooking, over-regretting, and almost all other fucking overs.
Everybody knows that I over-everything. That's why I got depressed again when I heard that piece of news.
It’s a “Justin” moment, it means more than just saying “fuck everything” in a more respectful way.
A coffee of any size, with one sugar, one cream, one sweetener, and one milk.
Anyone want something from Tim's? Ya, get me a medium coffee with everything on it.
A Windows YouTuber who makes videos on YouTube with "All About Windows" as topics on his channel.
Usually installs Windows Beta builds, Windows Mods, Experiments sometimes, etc.
Person 1 : "G'day mate, What are you watching now?"
Person 2 : "It's Everything Windows"
Person 1 : "Whoa, that's awesome dude"
You wanted literally everything, and you got it.
This is used to define literally everything.
Person 1: I want literally everything.
Person 2: Look it up on urban, see what you get.
Term heterosexual males use to insult the machismo of their friends.
Guy 1. Lets go surfing today. The waves look awesome.
Guy 2. I dont know man. They look too powerful and dangerous.
Guy 1. Dude stop being “everything but L”