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Wrong-campus twatted

a) A level of intoxication that you find yourself on 1) The wrong campus of your university/college 2) The campus of a totally different university.

b) An equivalent level of intoxication where meaning a) *could* occur given the chance/location

"Dude, I got wrong-campus twatted last night and had to walk back in the rain, it was a pretty crazy night."

"Did you hear about John, he got so drunk he got wrong-campus twatted and ended up crashing a Christian union meeting"

by Kirjavah September 25, 2013

South Campus Energy

A student at The Ohio State University who lives on the south side of campus. Typically means the person is attractive and enjoys partying much more than the chodes on north campus

Chad: Bro she is so hot
Kyle: Yeah bro, she has that south campus energy for sure

by KyleFromBetaApplePi August 13, 2019

College campus rape

This is rape will its happen on the college campus

Did you hear she got College campus rape

by 459395 February 25, 2022

Campus Tide Pod

You need lube, but because your campus living/ on a budget, the only thing you had to suffice was laundry detergent.

I needed some lube, but money was tight. The next best thing was some laundry detergent. While some people at the time were eating them, I figured I could rebrand the Tide Pod in a positive way; the Campus Tide Pod.

by Stripper Salt September 7, 2022

tobacco-free campus

A college or workplace where the management falsely lures prospective students/employees by using deceptive wording on their property-rules signs.

Disgruntled newbie college student: Dag-blast this university and their "tobacco-free campus" signs --- here I'd thought they'd be giving away cigarettes to anyone who signed up for classes!

by QuacksO April 29, 2016

Brookvale Groby learning Campus

A school with slaggy year sevens, boys who think their hard, sketty bitches that skive the go vape in the humanities toilets and people shag in the bushes

Mr king -' hey babe do you go to Brookvale Groby learning campus because I would love to tap that! '
You - no you fucking nonce

by GayBitch1010 February 6, 2022

Mirchi Campus

A content and entertainment community for, of and by college students. It's fresh, it's young and it's unfiltered.

Let's Mirchi Campus this party guys!

by blurb23 November 24, 2021