A Japanese animated show, of 26 episodes (the film, End of Evangelion offers a more tangible conclusion than the series), which aired between '95 and '96. The plot is typical:
- A government agency is set up to save the world.
- Three 14 year olds pilot humanoid cyborgs and kill monsters.
It is interpreted as a number of things:
- An intricate look at ourselves and others.
- An attempt to make animé original; to broaden its the limits(See my definition of animé).
- A cruddy non-sensical, contradictory, boring, drawn-out, pointlessly violent, perverted, pessimistic, and pretentious cartoon.
- A safe-card/fall back/name drop for self-proclaimed animé know-it-alls who've never watched the show.
- A series easily insultable.
- A calling card for unfounded animé-haters.
- An excellent source for debate (:P).
- A prime example of character development (or lack of).
- A test of patience.
- An escape from reality.
- A reflection on reality.
- A kik-ass animé w/lots of gre and BOOBIES.
And finally, for the immature, "laisser-faire" types (not in an economical or politcal sense), and/or emotional lacking:
- A waste of time.
Examples don't apply to Neon Genesis Evangelion.
161👍 187👎
On of the coolest anime series ever!
It screwed me up for awhile due to it's cool-ness. It's cool up to episode 25-26.
And then End of Evangelion was oh so fucked up...
Neon Genesis Evangelion is fucking cool, it's so cool that they couldn't even repeat the cool-ness in episodes 25-26, thus making it shit
108👍 134👎
An anime that revolves around psychoanalysis, particularly of the main character, Shinji Ikari. Ayanami Rei, whom Shinji developed romantic emotions toward at the beginning of the series, as well as Eva Unit 01, are later revealed to be, respectively, a clone(s) and the soul of Yui Ikari, Shinji's mom. LOLWTF.
But really, though, Neon Genesis Evangelion is an amazing, action-filled, complex, and thought-provoking series. The descriptions may seem stupid, but it's awesome.
45👍 57👎
Thomas- let's refer to Genesis 140:6 today.
All the children- A nigga named Luke. Amen
2👍 3👎
An anime people believe is "peak fiction" but is honestly really shit
James: have you watched Neon Genesis Evangelion
Jordan: No because it's not peak fiction and it sucks
8👍 24👎
1. Quite possibly the worst anime ever made...and that's saying something, since most anime sucks.
2. An anime show that involves a bunch of stupid kids who must defend the Earth against God (seriously...that's the story). God, for some reason, takes the forms of retarded dolls and geometric shapes to destroy Earth. Some say there is lots of symbolsim...but it really just plain sucks nuts...considering the fact that the creator was a depressive alcoholic and drug addict. No likeable characters (they actually get WORSE as the story progresses), and everyone dies in the end. The end itself is a crime against film making...you don't begin movies with 15 year old kids masturbating on other, comatose japanese 15 year olds...that's just wrong. People who think this is "teh gr8st anime 3var" have a pole up their ass or simply just can't get the fact that it contradicts itself over hundreds of times. People who watched this show and enjoyed it are the people who need to be sent to the front line during war.
I watch Neon Genesis Evangelion because I think it's symbollic!...At least I think it is...What's wrong with me?! I should kill myself for watching this absolute pile of shit. This show is meant for only 3 people...Pedophiles, Morons, and People Who have their Thumb Up their Ass! Which category am I?!...
142👍 709👎
An advertising campaign created by SEGA in the early 90s to promote the Genesis against the NES.
You can't do this on Nintendo! Genesis Does What Nintendon't!
7👍 1👎