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ORIGINAL: the two germanic tribes that sacked and ultimately rought the downfall of the roman empire. (ostrogoths, visigoths, vandals)

ALTERNATIVE: goth people are the ones who would attend "dracula's ball" in philladelphia. They usually dress in dark colors, not because they are evil or antagonists, but because they like the color. Goth people don't HAVE to do anything, meaning they could do anything out of the blue. they are not attention-whores, but act on their will which causes people to stare. Also, goth people are almost always an artist of one form or another (ie, paiting or peotry...)

goth1: time to go to school
goth2: alright
*at school*
prep: like, omigah! they're so evil!!
prep-followers: I love you, have my liver!


goth: hi
prep: get away from me before you call satan on me

by doombuddy January 2, 2007

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Used to describe a form of art or the genre of music that portrays the darker aspects of the world, usually with imagery. Also used to describe fans of this genre. Unlike conventional punk and metal, gothic music usually has vocals which flow steadily. Most do not make direct reference to death but rather describe the beauty and elegance of things decaying, twisted and dark. Some gothic bands may make anti-christian themes but the lack of such anti-religious themes do not define goth.

The gargoyle stautes of the ancient Roman cities.

Popular artists and bands of goth music include "the cure" and "evanesence"...

by frost_pick May 21, 2005

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Let me state a few facts first, beginning with self-experience. I've started developing into the whole goth lifestyle back in late '04, starting out by wearing black. I wasn't into the whole Marilyn Manson or Linkin Park bullshit at that time, because I knew they weren't goth bands. After the whole black clothings, I started getting into goth rock(ex: Bauhaus, Lacuna Coil, Moonspell, HIM, The 69 Eyes). Then afterwards, other sets of metal was what I started listening to as well(excluding Nu-Metal). At first, I thought that I was never going to change my image. But that obviously wasn't true.

However, the goths of what I saw, were different from the goths of today. The goths back then were there to live life on the "darker" sides of things, meaning that they would abolish of whatever that is related to the mainstream. Those who were different. Those who were unique. Those who had their own style in clothings, words, and what not. The whole "goth" scene developed from a germanic/barbaric tribe that invaded the Roman Empire. The first kind of goths were known as the "visigoths", or aka The Noble Ones. They sacked the Roman Empire, otherwise known as the "mainstream" of that time.. so I'm pretty sure you can compare that to the gothic scene of my time.

Then suddenly, the whole goth scene started to evolve ONCE again. Kids are now transforming the scene into a trend, buying merchandise after merchandise, giving the impression as if they're buying candy from a store. They worship sellout stores such as hot topic, and claim to be "different".. but yet, they all dress the same, act the same, have the same desire of wanting to be "different", and considering themselves "rebellious teens". The thing is, these morons don't know that shit such as Hot Topic or MTV are nothing but a bunch of sellout brainwashing companies. Why do you think they charge such a ridiculous and pointless amount of money for merchandise? It's simple. They're trying to make money by selling out merchandises. And these "rebelious" goths are following them.

So basically, if you really want to be unique, different, rebellious, or what not.. the only thing you would really need to do is to be yourself, because that's one of the unique traits that most people don't possess nowadays.

Do I still listen to goth rock? Of course. Do I still listen to black/death/thrash/speed metal? Definitely. Do I still dress in black? Yes, more than often. Do I go around acting rebellious by wearing eyeliner and painting my nails black, and prancing around graveyards and worship Marilyn Manson for a living? FUCK NO.

retarded teen angst goth kid: dude... I'm like... so different from those Britney Spears loving conformists.... and I hate society... and that makes me rebellious and different...

me: no dude, hating society doesn't make you a "rebel", it makes you a douche bag.

RTAGK: well you're just a dumb conformist, that's all. try living in my shoes, then you'll see how much I have to suffer.

me: go shove a tube down your throat, pour oil on the tip, and flare a matchstick and light it on fire, you goth-cut-yourself-kid. why don't you try living in a third world country, then you'll understand the true meaning of "suffer". Just knowing your presence disgusts me, you imbred cunt.

by hatchetwarrior4life December 22, 2006

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I have already written a defintion of this term but I would like to add something. Someone had mentioned the book "What Is Goth?" By Voltaire. Yes, I highly recommend this book and that is where one of the definitions I had mentioned came from was this book. I said goth is whatever you wish it to be, or something along those lines. What I meant was it's "whatever you want it to be." as Voltaire states at the end of his book. Couldn't have defined the word better.

A goth is generally a person who listens to gothic music. But there is A LOT to goth and it's not just limited to that.

by Lauren Batty May 25, 2006

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The punk subculture formed in the early 80s. Not to be confused with the Germanic tribes. Creative, intelligent, interesting people who share similar ideas, likes and dislikes. One cannot classify 'goth' in one way...there are many types of goth. Usually thought of as being depressed, mentally ill, social outcasts with nothing on there minds but pain, death and world destruction(which is not always true) I am considered a 'goth' I do usually wear all black but I do so not because I want to be popular but because it is comfortable to me...and not everyone who wears all black are goths and not all goths wear all black...I wear red and grey and other colors.

goth-an openminded person who can laugh at him/herself as well as others...(adjective: Gothic)

by insanitywithacause December 19, 2003

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A label society uses to stereotype people who the public in general tend to consider "bad," or "scary."

"Goth" people are the type that many will go out of their way to avoid.

I can't speak for others who have been labelled, but many have refferred to me as "Goth." Presumably because I choose to wear black most of the time. usually with a trenchcoat. I have read many of the other definitions on here, and I can't say what is wright and what is wrong. This is simply the only stereotype I have been accused of being a part of. Personally I spent approximately 12 years with strong suicidal desires, later being diagnosed with bi-polar. The only really apparent aspects of my personality that I noticed which differ from "Normal," are my preference for black clothing, and I tend to stay back and speak less. Personally I consider stereotypes a lame attempt some people or groups make to attempt to seem "better" than others.

The most irritating part of this aspect of society to me, is when I meet people who suddenly decide to wear black and act depressed.
I have no problem with anyone wearing anything else, I merely get irritated when people try to be something they aren't. Especially when people talk about being suicidal and have no idea the struggle I go through on a regular basis simply to keep a desire to live. It's not pleasant, you don't want it, quit trying.

I have never met another person who has serious issues with being suicidal and has just decided to announce it. I certainly prefer to have nobody know.

"ooh, look at me, I must be cool now because I decided to wear black and tell everyone how much life sucks, I'm such a goth, you guys all are just posers blah blah blah, wanna go but something depressing with me?"

by L. N. - DravenLives at myspace. June 11, 2007

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people who walk to the beat of a different drum. the kind of person also known as a freak or weirdo in high schools. they don't dress in only black, they wear what they feel comfortable in each may be a hot pink shirt and blue jeans, the wear thing out of the ordinary that most probly wouldn't cuz they stand out. the aren't all satanic, they believe in what they want may it be in god through Christianity, Judaism, or islam, or they are pagans.

goth people are different from the norm. people who do what they want to because its what they want to do not because everyone else is doing it

by Goth Mom 1990 February 18, 2010