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An excess amount of information about a person.

Bob: Her middle name is Alysha
Bill: Yo, why you givin' out all her government like that.

by Alex Howard May 8, 2006

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Government is when one man decides that he needs to control the crazy unpredictable animals called people. So he gets some followers, makes rules. If you dont follow them, he has people beat you up and lock you in a cage for a few years. (AKA Policemen)

You better watch out, Im with the Government!

by QueensrycheFan666 July 29, 2011

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current governor of California

CALIFORNIA: the Governator is going to PUMP YOU UP!

by Vinny October 26, 2003

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A necessary evil. What America needs less of. A group of blood-thirsty vampires with an unquenchable thirst for more power. It was originally established to create a judicial system, to collect taxes and declare war, but has grossly over stepped its bounds. The GOV in America is not for the citizens anymore. It is not run by the lawmakers themselves but by lobbyists and special interest. The GOV has gotten so big that it wants to control what you do in your bedroom, what you do with your body, has invaded your home, has invaded your car, has even invaded professional sports. It wants to control EVERY aspect of your life. It is filled with corporate fatcats and lobbysists who give money to Congress for their special interest. It doesnt protect the little guy and the citizens anymore, but only looks out for its rich friends. The GOV cares more about pork (not the Presidential intern type) than it does about solving real issues.

The government sucks and is useless, filled with old, rich, white guys with little minds and even littler monkeys.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com February 2, 2008

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Arnold Schwarzenegger, currently the governor of California.

"My mission is to be the governor."
-Arnold Schwarzenegger

"Who sent you?"
-John Connor

"You did. 35 years from now you reprogrammed me to be the governor of California, in this time."

"This is deep..."


"I'll be back."
-Arnie during another election

by Dave February 17, 2004

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people who pass unconstitutional laws that rape my rights like the assholes who invented property tax. No one has actually owned property in 100 years! If you don't pay your property tax (rent to assholes in washington) the government assholes take your property away, sell it to other assholes, and do something gay with the money. traitors and assholes alike!

the government assholes who invented property tax are those fucking socialists the same assholes who gave us "temporary" income tax, fucking welfare, and allowed assholes in banks to invent money to lend but keep the real money profits. bank assholes who mismanage the imaginary money spread the loss around to people with jobs or assets and pocket the real money again. treasonous assholes.

by Execute Treasonous Assholes June 27, 2011

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A ruthless cyborg killing machine (Schwarzenegger) created by SkyNet (Republican Party). SkyNet will send this killer cyborg back in time to kill our founding fathers before they can write our Constitution that gives rights to every American.

Listen. Understand. That Terminator is out there. It can't be reasoned with, it can't be bargained with...it doesn't feel pity of remorse or fear... and it absolutely will not stop. Ever. Until you are dead.

by Pigeon McNugget October 8, 2003

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