ice is the The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement so if you have been deported or detained by ice you have been iced
Damn i cant believe 21 savage is from the UK he got iced
Jim: Dude I ain't heard from Carol in two weeks. She been avoiding me like crazy.
Jack: Dude you've been iced. She done dumped your ass without even telling you.
1) Expensive jewelry, can be called drip, common with rappers and other boujee people
Friend: Look at all this ice.
Me: Ooo, someone came through dripping.
Jimmy: what's an ice
Billy: its water except i can beat you with it
When you go to a bar and don't get a drink, and then suggest that everyone leave when they are in the middle of their drink.
"Wow! That person really iced the crowd...really fucked us over!"