He is a sweet guy and has a great heart if you have one in your life dont let him go cause its going to hurt you a lot he also doesnt like getting played you can rip his heart easily and dont make a mistake and say something thats not true cause he is going to believe it and he may get hurt because he liked you like what happened to me
Me:Omg I liked Isaiah for so long but idk if he likes me back
Friend:Maybe he does
Friend 2: He does!
Me:He hates me now cause i did something its too late ππ
Isaiah he is the most perfect guy . He is tall ,funny ,smart ,and the sweetest. He the type of guy to come get you when your sad to make you smile . He gives the best advice and is always trying to put a smile on your face .he got a aura so beutiful and rare that if you get the chance to be with him keep him .he sarcastic asf and likes to bully but its all love from him .he can be shy asf but when you get to know him extroverted asf . He always down to hangout. He can be the best guy around and sometimes gets picked as the 2nd choice but will always be worthy to be someone's first choice cause he deserves more then he thinks he dose.
Bro you hangout with Isaiah lately
That kid in your band class you're absolutely in love with. He has no idea and even though you aren't particularly friends he always flirts with you. Now you've caught yourself finding presents on Amazon because it's almost Valentine's Day...
Me: I think I love him...
Bestie: Ew Why?
Me: Idk I feel as if Isaiah is my everything...
Bestie: SUS?!?!?!
The nigga you heard was puttin da makc down on ya hoe prolly y youn like me ππ
Absolutely filled to the brim with jizz. Nothing but jizz in his brain and guys are ALWAYS ON HIS MIND! Motherfucker can't even go a day without thinking of massive shlongs. Also, he's a bit of a nigga!
Omg, he's such an isaiah!
Gay guy: Hi, my name is Isaiah.
When someone falls asleep in the middle of a group chat. Named after a single brain-celled human.
Weirdo #1: Hey why is Weirdo 3 so quiet?
Weirdo #2: I think he pulled an Isaiah.
4π 3π
If you search on any social network(facebook,myspace,etc)
the name isaiah it is
70% a black guy
40% a baby
110% a black baby
Andrew:dude i tried to find you on fb all i found were a buncha of nigga babies
Isaiah:i know man
Andrew:how do babies make facebook profiles anyway?
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