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it is what it is

things are the way they are. circumstances might not be the best, but... it is what it is

sherlock: it's okay.
john: it's not okay!
sherlock: *hugging john* no, but it is what it is

by tea_and_tjlc January 13, 2017

16๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

that's what it is

Acknowledgment; spoken appreciation and / or agreement

Person A; Those some dope kicks, my dude...

Person B: That's what it is


by ima90sbb February 26, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

what the what the what

The word used only if you are confused or retarded.

your friend shows you a picture of something and you say, "what the what the what."

by Chen Den January 6, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

What of it?

A phrase used to ask, "why should I give a fuck?".

"Hey man, heard you got a new tattoo of a unicorn shitting a rainbow. That kind of seems a little gay, don't you think?"

"What of it?"

by C0UG3R February 5, 2012

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

"it is what it is"

An expression used by people when they are attempting to be insightful but either have no clue what to say next, are incapable of coming up with something meaningful/intelligent to say, or would prefer to change the subject altogether.

Dan: Wow, the economy totally sucks right now, how do you think the rising unemployment rate will effect consumer spending power?

George: Well, people don't have jobs, that sucks, but "it is what it is" you know?

by Scorp16989 March 14, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

It is what it is.

Unavoidable Ineluctable El es que es

I was going to go out tonight but we are in lockdown. Eh, it is what it is.

by Silverthorn1989 July 15, 2020


You never played Tuber Simulator? Pfffshhhh! You know it's... fun, right? I'm not supposed to give my opinion... ...But give it a try, and then you can tell me if it's good or not. Not convinced yet? Okay, I'll cut you a deal. The game is available for free, And that's a great price.

Felix: WHAT?!

by bingbangBOOM! September 22, 2019