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Jockey Box

Verb -- the act of car prowling -- to find unlocked cars (at night), open the doors, and see what you can get -- mostly from the glove compartment (or 'jockey box').

Rafael and Junior was out jockey boxin' on the boulevard last night. They got themselves some dope shit. Until the heat came up on 'em and did some head thrumpin'.

by I made the man February 21, 2018

Tornado Jockey

One who resides in a trailer park and often finds themselves chained to a lawn chair and a six pack out in front of the double wide when the sirens begin to hum. Often resides in or near tornado alley and believes the "F" scale of tornado damage is actually the factor of "Fun".

See also Toby Keith's "Trailerhood" music video

Bo: How many people must die before we realize God hates trailer parks?

Forest: Easy, man! My Uncle Cletus is a tornado jockey!

by taintmonster December 30, 2011


Someone whose presence inexplicably makes everything funnier and tends to induce out of control giggle-fests. A giggle jockey him/her self does not necessarily have to be funny

Jackson is such a giggle-jockey… every time he’s around I wind up ROFLMAO!!!

by Laine and Jables April 4, 2008

register jockey

The ONE worker who, in a fast food resteraunt, ALWAYS stands at the cash register. A very pathetic attempt at trying to look busy, while other do the REAL work.

register jockey: Dude, we busted out like 45 subs that hour!!!

Co-worker: NO, I busted out like 45 subs that hour...you only played register jockey!!

by MIT ckc May 4, 2008

Blast Jockey

When you give a monster cumshot. When there is too much cum for your partner to handle.

Bob totally Blast Jockeyed his mom and sister last week. Jerry Blast Jockeyed my daughter so I decided to Black Jockey his wife.

by Mister Twister Fister January 25, 2019

Tractor Jockey

1) (UK usage) A rural (male) youth who can't afford a 1992 Ford Escort so spends too much time tinkering with his Tractor (also works as a euphemism for wanker)(see also Rural Chav).
2) (USA usage) An enthusiastic tractor operator (see wanker)

1) (UK usage - insult)You are a real Tractor Jockey!
2) (USA usage midwest - compliment) Are you a real Tractor Jockey?

by lisa_urban May 16, 2008

Meat Jockey

a woman who prefers it on top during sex, where as she can resemble the up and down motions of a jockey in a horse race.

I bet that girl at the bar is a real meat jockey!

by ChaanaS May 19, 2011

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