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Combat Legion

This clan has many alternates, Including Chaos Legion, Black Legion and many more, They disbanded for an unknown reason (well, atleast i don't know the reason)

Snooze : Bro did you hear Combat Legion disbanded?
Revenant : What was their reason?
Snooze : no idea

by Sin/Scion/Vhumui February 16, 2022

Iron Legion

Iron Legion a pure clan that respects others and loves to pvp and mini war. Also is a beast at f2p and p2p. When you see a Grey hat and pink cape, be warned run for your life.

Dude Iron Legion just owned us at that mini war! omg, there such beasts at mini's.

by Pur3 0f 99 March 5, 2009

Is that the legion?

the funniest inside joke to ever exist ever in the history of the universe

Chrissy: WHAT
Me: " is that the legion?"
Chrissy "i hate you"

by Psil0cybin March 9, 2023

Angells, Son Light, Legion

Keller Angell (musical artist) has taken to himself the words 'Angells', 'Son Light' and 'Legion' to associate them with his fans.

"I am an Angell."
"I am a Son Light."
"I'm part of the Legion."

Simply put.

"I'm a big fan of Keller Angell, and therefore I associate myself as an Angell, or as a Son Light, or as a member of the Legion."

Lady Gaga has her "Monsters".
Nicki Minaj has his "Barbz".
Brooke Candy has her "FagMob".

Keller Angell has his 'Angells', his 'Son Light', his 'Legion'.

Upon this, and revealing the Luciferian Spirit, he says:

'- I am an Angel, but, Collectively, I am called LEGION!'

The same words of Lucifer, freeing yourself of the "darkness" and attaining his own LIGHTING and ASCENSION!

angells, son light, legion

by Edgar Van Hellsen December 24, 2016

Legion lie

One who can lie habitually with a strategy to convince others that the alternate universe that they live in is actually reality .

Dude that is a fasion legion lie !

by -her February 25, 2024

Toxic Legion

A European ddos/troll group that surfaced in the xbox community in August of 2015. It became notorious within the xbox community for trolling content creators such as Markiplier. Suffering multiple threats from black hat hackers and even a Lizard Squad member, the last known closure was in december of 2020.

The most known users in the community went by "Andre, Offline, Chase, Uzii and Bear"

"Yo I joined this clan called Toxic Legion"

by hitthenet May 9, 2024

Toxic Legion

A group/forum of xbox users who performed ddos attacks on gamers within the community. Founded by a user who goes by "Andre" and some of his associates are believed to go by "Chase" "Bear" "Hit" "Hyena" and "Offline"

Hit from Toxic Legion just booted me offline! WTF!!!

by hitthenet May 12, 2024