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Beaumont leys

A complete shit hole in Leicestershire

If you think Bristol is bad, Beaumont Leys is worse

by Beaumont Leys hater May 17, 2023

bethany leys

Bethany is a mink who puts boys hands up her top and them fucks them

skinny little sket that has no friends also has a dancing clit

bethany leys has a dancing vag

by neekneek420 January 14, 2019

Jack Leis

A guy who cut off the last portion of his name to prevent being indentified. He lives in Vermont while watching people.
He also created the It was I Dio on urban dictonary have a good day lads.

Hi my names Jack Leis
That's it what else did you expect

by Dio BrandoFake February 19, 2020

Lei Feng

Lei Feng is Filthy Frank, Filthy Frank teaches the ways of the internet. Follow Lei Feng's good example of not being a useless pathetic failure of a person who spends their time on twitter bitching and moaning about pointless things.

I followed Lei Feng's good example by not being on twitter.

I followed Lei Feng's good example by not getting into online arguments.

I followed Lei Feng's good example by not being that one guy who always points out that the comment is "stolen" like who tf gives a shit if a comment is stolen.

by Lei Feng August 24, 2021


Millie-lei is definition of a girl who is selfish and doesn't care about her friends. She thinks she knows everything but she doesn't. She always has to be on top. Millie-lei is a type of person who gets jealous easily. In conclusion Millie-lei is a bad person.

Person- "I got I got B+ on my test"

Millie-lei- "Well Ha i got A+ on my" (Bitchey voice)

Person- "Owwww that hurt"

Millie-lei- "Cool, get over it"

by American girls 03 September 20, 2017

Ley Jun Hui

Ley Jun Hui is someone that looks kinda introvert outside but he's really the louder one. People love him for no reason. Just love the way he is.

But he and Ego can't be separated. He always unable to make his own choice because of his ego. He sometimes don't feel grateful for people who adore him a lot.

He's someone with bad guy vibe but still cute inside. Once he smile, people will melt. Once he laugh, people start to smile. So, keep on smiling.

"Hey, Ley Jun Hui! Why don't u love me or even look at me even though I've give u all of my attention to??!"

-Your classmates that hv been crush u for 4 years since 2018 haha.

by Gyutie_ja November 23, 2021

growley [grow-ley]

1.Any non-english speaking contractor on a given job site.

2.Any immigrant worker whom works for under minimum wage and takes jobs away from hard working qualified Americans.

I need a growley grow-ley and a shovel to dig this whole.

by Robert Roll March 11, 2008