Xavier Lopez is one out of the three Lopez brothers he has a wife and a kid and. is one of the nicest people in the world has tik Tok
Look it is Xavier Lopez
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1) The total DB from Saved By the Bell (R) and America's Best Dance Crew (R), was also featured on the cover of Muscle and Body (R) Magazine. Is a total flaming homosexual(denying it of course) but still shines himself up, works out way too much, has freakishly huge dimples, has greasy Clark Kent hair, talks with a slight lisp, is a complete toolbag/toolbelt, uses terms and words he shouldn't be using, is the whitest latino man in the world. Also is in love with JC Chasez.
2) anybody who shares any of the traits listed above.
Normal person 1: "Dude, you know that fruitcup that works over at the gas station?"
Normal person 2: "The one who is a total Douchie McGee with the huge muscles?"
Person 1:"And wears those see-through mesh tank tops?"
Person 2:"Yeah"
Person 1:"Isn't he a total Mario Lopez?"
Person 2:"Yea!"
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What you call a child predator/ The act of a child predator
Nooo! don't let him go to the preschool. he might pull a Tony Lopez
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Tony Lopez is a pedophile who texts 15 year old π€‘ So you better watch outβ οΈ
Hay did you see Tony Lopez new TikTok video
Oh yea the pedo who texts 15 year old π©
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"OmG hE assaulted A mINoR, tONy lOPeZ Is A piECE oF ShiT AhH"
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An awesomely amazingly incredibly fucking great dude with the worlds largest penis among all species of life on earth. No being in creation or fiction could amount the awesomeness of a Lewis Lopez. ALso an asshole and overly confident with an udeserved sense of accomplishment.
Dude that elephant eating that tiger was so Lewis Lopez.
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