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Amanda Brown

Manipulating that's what Amanda brown does

by Alexa Jean March 19, 2019

Meta Manipulation

A term coined by Samawnline which refers to a person or character who manipulates people in multiple categories and on different levels, who rarely, if ever, shares their real thoughts, and who is often villainous.

John is exhibiting meta manipulation, as we know that anyone who believe they're in on his secrets are themselves being manipulated.

by Samawnline October 7, 2018

Social Manipulator

Someone who will ask you for your opinion or ask you “questions” with the intent to coerce you into an argument. If they don’t like what you have to say, they will use it against you to triangulate people within a social circle. Social manipulators do this to feed off the drama they created.

Typically they do this to gain social clout within their community and or on social media where the social manipulator will manufacture lies, launch a smear campaign against you to gain support for the lies they made up about you. They achieve this by gaslighting the community with cherry picked screenshots that do not provide the community with enough information to assess the situation for themselves. Sometimes they will just out right expect you to blind follow them by telling you, you just need to ‘trust them’.

They tried to coerce me into talking badly about a mutual friend and when I wouldn’t, they accused me of trying to silence them, then dragged me across social media based on the lies they made up to gain attention. What a social manipulator.

by Anonymous Supporter May 27, 2022


Oh yeah, blatantly misrepresenting the position of your opposition with the most banal strawman and false dichotomy. "ArE oN tHe SiDe Of ThE vIrUs? Or ArE yOu On tHe SiDe Of ThE dIsHoNeSt PiEcEs Of ShIt WhO aReN't GiViNg YoU cReDiT fOr A.I. AnD aRe FiNe WiTh WoMeN mOlEsTiNg ReTArDs?' Obviously the virus. You're ignoring the co-morbidities. The masks don't do enough to justify the mandates and there are plenty of medical journals that substantiate the claim. The death rate coincides with the population growth, therefore, during the years of the pandemic, a regular amount of death occured. More importantly, if I have to continue to labor in spite of the fact that I am directly responsible for the creation of A.I. I DON'T CARE IF YOU DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT. Die faster. Do it today. If the conditions of my life are trivial... I DON'T CARE IF YOU DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT. If that whore is going to fuck that retard instead of me. I DON'T CARE IF YOU DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT. If I don't get credit for A.I. I will be harvested for resources and organs by people who don't give a single shit about me and perform meaningless labor until I die so I DON'T CARE IF YOU DIE YOU PIECE SHIT. If your fine with my lofe being like a fucking black mirror episode. I DON'T CARE IF YOU DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT. The faster you die the better.

Hym "No you just not want people to be able to stop YOU from telling them what to do because you're an authoritarian piece of shit. I you like telling people what to do so much, tell that whore to stop fucking that retard. You know who else is a rapist? Joe Biden! Who'd you vote for? A rapist! Am I a rapist? No. Who did I rape? Noone. And if weaponized schizophrenia and withholding information so a guy you don't like has to do more work than you get less isn't manipulative then the word doesn't have any meaning. AND! AND! All the rape victims are going shit out kids against their will forever and IT'S YOUR FAULT! Because your dumb, politically ineffective, and worthless. You deserve this! You deserve to have your rights taken away! "

by Hym Iam February 21, 2024


The gaslighting and surveillance definitely isn't though... Neither is pretending to be a guy...

Hym "How manipulative is it!? Chants the crowd. Not as manipulative as, like, I don't know... Pretending to be a guy literally to be an Anti-Hym shill. Likely paid by the Jews (Which he said explicitly on one of his clips or live streams). Destiny cares a whole lot about manipulation. It's his primary concern! In life!"

by Hym Iam July 12, 2024

Male manipulator

A male manipulator can go 2 ways.

One is the best one.This one can be a super duper cat lover who has brainrot humor, probably sends cat memes every second, uses :3 :D, plays videos games, specially Brawl Stars or Clash Royale.Either skates or plays an instrument.EITHER HAS INSANELY GREAT MUSIC TASTE, most definitely listens to Alex G, or just listen to one specific genre either Nu metal or indie.THEY ARE THE SILLIEST (^o^)They either have game or no game with women.They definitely fw Minecraft heavy also.They either THE MOST LOYAL MF out there or a HOE PLAYER WHO JUST WANTS S3X .

Two, that one fucking boy who wears pro clubs, knows a guy, does drugs, probably a skater or not, dates the whole school, shitty graffiti,either listens to junior H or some type rap shii like carti, a mommy’s boy, 1.00 gpa, into Latina makeup girls or “goth” bitches.Their fit is just a black hoodie with sweats.Got beef with the science teacher.DUMB.talks behinds everyone’s back cuz they don’t got the BALLS to say it to their faces.Fumbles a fight.”Messed up childhood”They fucking mean and the prettiest girls choose them hoes, they gotta have some hypnotizer😭

Words from an only girl in a all boys gc, tomboy mainly, and a great manipulator to boys cuz im in a higher level from them😞😜

Make manipulator #1
So uh, who do you listen to”
Male manipulator #2
Your fat

by Jellyfishticklemonster68 May 19, 2024

3👍 7👎

Collective Manipulation

Collective Manipulation, not to be confused with Crowd Manipulation. Collective Manipulation is the intentional or unintentional usage of micro and macro aggression, manipulation techniques, such as laws, rules, expectations, love bombing, pressure, guilt, emersion, buzz words, suggestions, etc. mostly focused on one or several individuals by a much larger group in order to make them do something that is beneficial to the collective.

The international cult had millions of members and used collective Manipulation in order to recruit new members.

by on August 12, 2024