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Massive dick

Piers Morgan.

Piers Morgan is a massive dick.

by frimfram January 10, 2021

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Massive Turbo

Someone who thinks they are the maddest, coolest, smartest, sickest lad out and isnt afraid to tell everyone. When in actual fact they are actually a little bit mentally retarded.
It is the opposite of being Dardy.

Non-Turbo 1: "Hey should we invite Nick and Leif out with us this weekend?"

Non-Turbo 2: "Nah those guys are Massive Turbo's"

by Wads Dardy March 25, 2010

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Massive Cat

One who is deficient in life or continually fails to live up to expectations;
One who continually lives up to expectations of poor performance;

A Crichton is a "massive cat", he promised so much yet failed to deliver on anything


S Cabdy is a "massive Cat" he continues to be pasted.

by Lucas Georgiadis May 9, 2005

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biggest massive

Used to describe anything you want, just for dramatic effect.

person1: Oh my god right, i saw this man today and he had the BIGGEST MASSIVE mustache i'd ever seen!
Person2 : Shit man!

by biggestmassive August 3, 2009

massive simp

michael boulet

michael is a massive simp

by luciclovesyou69 November 5, 2020

JBC Massive

A small group of individuals that are located at a computer training course in Leicester. They are owned and ran by a notorius individual who runs leicesters criminal underground. They are also rvials with another computer training course, called Zenos. FUCK ZENOS!

FUCK ZENOS, JBC Massive be the place to be!

by JBCMASSIVE June 29, 2011

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Massive Maud

A specialized version of the STC (Slovakian Traffic Cone) where two handles of grey goose vodka and any amount of marijuana and/or heroin are added to the mixture of piss, shit, blood, boogers, cum, ear wax, and other stuff inside the cone.

So youโ€™ve done an STC, but have you done Massive Maud?

by dicktobert March 6, 2023