A word that always beats most.
You:I love you
Girlfriend :I love you most
You: I love you mostest
Girlfriend : what, that's not a word
You: mhmm it's in a dictionary right...so it's a word
more than most, the only thing that can trump this would be mosterest.
“i love you most”
“i love you mostest”
More than “Most”, can’t be superseded by adding more suffixes (mostestererererest).
Devin: I loved you most
Anthony: I love you mostest
Devin: Damn
The absolute greatest amount. Used to describe a stronger feeling and/or urge
Significant Other: I love you
You: I love you more
Significant Other: I love youu more
You: I love you MOSTEST!!! Boom!
Significant Other: Oh wow. You're right. Now there is nothing left to do but pleasure you.