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A misunderstood religion. People just see whats on T.V. and accept it. Muslims are SUPPOSED to be all about peace and being respectful to other religions. Kind of like how the Jews and Muslims lived in harmony. They also are supposed to be about peace. Hence the word "Islam" meaning peace. Terror and Islam contradict each other. Sadly Muslims today are portrayed as blood thirsty, womanizing animals. Which is totally against the religion of Islam. The Americans did a good job making this whole religion of peace look bad.

Muslims are the cause of 911. Proof?

by TruthSeeker416 April 10, 2013

170๐Ÿ‘ 496๐Ÿ‘Ž


PEACEFUL religion, it says in the qu'ran that killing innocents is one of the biggest sins you can commit, the terroists are going again Islam for doing so, everyone who is racist learn the bloody facts, you shouldent judge a person on religion, race, whatever! anyone who does so are pathetic beyond belif, Islam is about peace, read the qu'ran

Islam is about peace

by Tina March 1, 2005

341๐Ÿ‘ 1046๐Ÿ‘Ž


a follower to the religion of Islam, as Jews are to Judaism.

followers of a peaceful religion that unfortunately, due to a group of extremists, have been labelled as terrorists by ignorant people all over the world.

Muslims are from all over the globe with diverse ethnicity ranging from north americans (americans, canada) through to europeans (english, spanish, russian), asian (chinese, vietnamese, japanese), and australian and new zealanders.

due to the action of Muslim by name, ie Al-Qaeda (which a great number of Muslims would not call a muslim), Muslims has been stereotyped as terrorists.
and unfortunately, ignorant people has accepted the stereotypical view that Muslims are hostage taking, plane hijacking, suicide bombing arabs. whilst before the most recent histories such actions has been done over by other races and believers, for materialistic purpose (money).

and not to mention that terrorism done under the name of religion has been done over before by the crusaders. crusaders are a group of Christians who committed genocide on Muslims in spain under the name of Christianity, yet, no one really cared about it, or going on about how "evil" Christians are.

everything that these so-called muslims done in recent history has been done over by other races and other religion.

whilst some might be rational enough to explore more about Islam and Muslims under hate, what they shouldve done is explore under the need for knowledge. if these few numbers actually cared for understanding they would have understood that just as other religion's sacred writings, they are not to be taken literally. in previous definitions, war could mean the action of equalizing the spreading of the words of the Qur'an, to convert the followers of other faiths peacefully.
knowing the words is one thing, understanding them is another.

some of you might think of course religions try to convert people peacefully. this isn't true. there has been numerous attempts of conversion done by Christians (not trying to offend, but they are the most talked about), using force, kidnapping and force raping until the victim is no longer able to say no. (again, not to offend anyone, but to put forth examples that other faiths also has groups of blacksheeps)

if we were to talk of how a small part of a group examplifies what the group is like, american government would examplify how uncivilized and arrogant the american are. over recent history the american government has either been involved in wars that they have no reason to be in, using the fallacy of being a peacemaker, or terrorizing in other countries. vietnam, japan, iraq to name a few. when they weren't as involved in other conflicts, bosnia, ireland.

to stereotype Muslims is as idiotic as to stereotype america as a country of backwards.

also note that the media is also doing wrong by putting forth of acts of terrorism done only by muslims. an example would be how israel is robbing palestine of its land yet only a handful of media network would tell us so.

if the bombing were to occur in malaysia, taking down the twin towers, only a minority of americans would have cared so much, and it is doubtful that the media would have "hyped" the incident as much.

by educatedandcaresabouttopic March 17, 2005

318๐Ÿ‘ 1008๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person that follows the one true religion...which happens to be one of the most hated religion in the entire universe...SAD...if only they knew.

A person in a religion called Islam that is against violence...contrary to false beliefs.

" A terrorist is a not a Muslim...you can claim to be...but if you where actually Muslim you'd know better."

by I'mHuman April 10, 2015

159๐Ÿ‘ 496๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Person that follows the peaceful religion of islam. For anyone anti muslim reading this, AL QAEDA, TALIBAN and all the other 'islamic' jihad groups are NOT muslims. The prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) always told muslims to be peaceful, and he never, ever harmed anyone. These terrorist groups are just people masking their evil with islam, a harmless religion dedicated to peace an harmony. Look it up anywhere. I'm a muslim, and im disgusted by the racist remarks i get, just because people think these terrorists are muslims. Islam is friendly with all religions, and the Holy Quran says to never harm anyone. For atheists, consider islam, as when you enter that religion, the gates of heaven will be open for you. May god bless you all.

Islam Quran Religion Peace Muhammad Muslim

by Peaceful_Islam March 30, 2014

174๐Ÿ‘ 549๐Ÿ‘Ž


A peaceful religion. Muslims are taught to be friends with all other religions. This insane thought of oppression to women is totally untrue and it deals with a culture stand point nothing more. In history people who converted mixed there own culture with the early islmaic culture. Oppression of women being one of those culture. Do ure homework before destroying a respectable faith.No true muslims ever ever treats someone from another religion with disrespect purely because of their religion.

Do not judge someone by their skin or by them being muslim judge them by there actions

by nottelling January 8, 2006

302๐Ÿ‘ 1009๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who believes Allah, prays his/her own private ways and the most important; feels very ashamed of how come some idiots bomb some places, kills innocent people and says they're Muslims. It's totally wrong.

A Muslim can't kill, a Muslim can't say any bad words to hurt people, a Muslim can't make love if he/she's not married, a Muslim has to do at least one nice thing everyday just for favor, a Muslim has to help other people, a Muslim has to be a good person if he/she wants to be a good slave of Allah. These are the most important rules for them.

"Killing is the biggest sin for a Muslim."

by ozlem April 27, 2007

258๐Ÿ‘ 887๐Ÿ‘Ž