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something you will never get

i dont have a girlfriend..

by niyker June 27, 2023


A girlfriend, also known as partner or s/o, is someone you fell in love with, while known, only %1 of the world's population as this.

I have a girlfriend.

by s4ptaa September 22, 2022


a girlfriend is many things she can be sweet, shy,cute and loyal. most are cheaters, mean, and ugly.
im a girlfriend but im shy cute n loyal! i love my bf jordan hes so sweet. but a girlfriend is something u need, they r comforting kind and loyal ( mine is atleast)

??: dude you need a girlfriend!!
J; nah they just waste my time!
??: mine doesnt!
j: omg fine, ur right!

by aalit0 August 24, 2023


When a bro can't hang out with you due to his girlfriend. This can be for many reasons. Maybe they are going antiquing, she may not like some bro's, sex night, etc. Similar to pussywhipped.

Dude 1: Man, John can't come out tonight. Dude 2: Why not? Dude 1: He got girlfriended.

by bigballin6989 May 25, 2015


biggest pain in the ass.

mayne maah girlfriend has made me a wimp

by babanash July 14, 2006

52๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of pulling on the handle of a car door while the door is being unlocked, leaving the door locked. The act is most commonly associated with one's girlfriend, but can be perpitrated by anyone.

Aww, man, I just girlfriended. You're going to need to unlock the door again.

by Kivimaki May 1, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something most guys are lucky to have.

Girl: Aw, do you have a girlfriend?
Guy2: Yes man, isn't she a hot piece of ass?
Girl: How did you get a girlfriend? You must be lucky.

by McLovinz August 23, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž