Source Code

paul rand

Toast church pedofilic maths teacher at dallam school. Vaselines his head every morning after his daily wank.

Paul rand is scary

by Mynameisbubble June 2, 2019

Why do people hate Ayn Rand?

Ummm... Isn't it obvious?

Hym "Why do people hate Ayn Rand?"

A fucking retard "Because she says it's wrong for me to expect them to sacrifice their lives for I can harvest them for resources and organs for my kids! If I don't convert their lives into wealth and then funnel it up the hierarchy, I won't have any stuff! Or, worse, I won't have relatively better stuff!"

by Hym Iam March 6, 2024


short for “No Name Random”
is a common term often found on ukn rust lobbies to anger and invigorate the random individuals on the server. “NN RANDS” is used predominantly by other no name randoms who are insignificant to average player on the server.

1v1 me UKN

followed by


by 1v1 me ukn April 15, 2022