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Porter Effect

A natural phenomenon where if one parent is ugly, all the children will be beautiful. Occurs in about 1 in 1,000 cases.

Some models are results of the Porter Effect.

by jhfqweoijiower December 12, 2013

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Cole Porter

Cole Porter was a musical sensation from the early 1920's to the late 1940's. At the time, he was one of the most famous pianoist/singers in America! Be sung several hits like his most favorite, Kiss Me Kate. Some of his other songs include Fifty Million Frenchmen, DuBarry Was A Lady, Can-Can, and my personal favorite, Anything Goes, which was made quite popular thanks to the Fallout series.

Cole Porter was an amazing musician! He was so talented, even after his horse riding accident!

by TeenGamer May 12, 2016

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Reagon Porter

One who is of arabian decent. Usually is a very very fun person and has flawless indian chinese british ARABAIAN and spanish accents. Oh and can play the guitar!

I saw a Reagon Porter the other day she was a quite cool person.

That Reagon Porter is quite a cool cat!

by arab1234 July 18, 2009

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kalan porter

A hobbit-like being with the face of an elderly woman who parades around with a Special Olympics-like musical career. A god amongst tasteless pubescent little girls who probably still think Mariah Carey is cool. See also: hack hobbit muano oddiot

Kalan Porter RULES! Let's go play with My Little Pony and put on mommy's makeup!

by yoshimi April 7, 2005

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porter fetish

when you like or have feelings for a crazy ginger, and or having sex with a ginger.

slut: yo i just fucked Josh
bitch: but he's a ginger!
slut: ya i got a major porter fetish

by mynameisnotlisted August 15, 2011

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joe porter

gay boi that no one likes

joe porter

by bobo6429 October 6, 2020

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Miss Porters

Only the worst all-girls boarding school. Porters, or should I say Porkers is the place where skanky, stupid girls go because they could not get into any other school, like the amazing Ethel Walker. Those Porkers girls are just uglier, sluttier, fatter, stupider, poorer, worser dressing versions than the girls of Ethel Walker. Not only that, Porkers once did have a strong point of being "okay" at sports but now they suck at that too. Overall, Porters (Porkers) girls fail at life.

Miss Porters:
pieces of shit

by oilkeafdilh January 30, 2009

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