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Filthy Dirty Ranga Whore

A filthy dirty ranga whore is someone who is orange haired and acts like a dickhead, and normally whores himself out to other men.

Jackson is a Filthy Dirty Ranga Whore, and normally bullies Lorelai because she is normal and not weird.

by LOZZAA April 6, 2023

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Fat ranga bald patch

Fat ranga bald patch: When someone is really fat (chode), and red hair (ranga) and has a bald patch (anywhere located on the head).

You're such a fat ranga bald patch.

by debusha July 13, 2010

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Ranga Danga

A red haired child, normally with red freckles and a high voice. But can also be good at video games such as TNT Run and Bed Wars.

Person 1: That Alec kid does look a bit strange with that Ranga Danga vibe.
Person 2: I agree with that, but he is better then me at alot of games.

by RoccoIsGay August 30, 2021

pod of ranga's

A group, (often 4 or more), people with red hair (ranga's) in stationary postion and not moving.

wow look at that slack ass pod of ranga's!

by fred_derf_jim September 22, 2011

MV Ranga

The MV Ranga was a mid sized trade ship that sunk on the Scottish coast in the 1980s. Only half of the wreckage has been removed.

โ€œI went and visited the wreckage of the MV Ranga on my trip to the Ukโ€

by Bludhaven52 April 9, 2021

ruchir ranga

When a 19 year old man is attracted to a 14 year old girl he's called a "ruchir ranga" (commonly known as a pedophile).

There have been sightings of them living in the same building as their victims or in the evening around schools with their pocket full of candies and talking to young girls.

They usually talk to their victims at midnight on calls or take them out on drives for fun. The victims themself don't realise the danger they're getting into until it's too late.

That man has been talking to young girls, he seems like a ruchir ranga.

by 112A August 26, 2024

ranga boy

Super sassy and hot but when the make up comes off transforms into the opposite gender

Ranga boy means:
"That girls pretty hot."
"Yeah but she's not without her makeup"

"She's a ranga."
"A what?"
"A ranga, it's short for orangutang, it's cos she's ginger"

by Ranga boy April 4, 2015