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Rude Gary

When a man ruins your vagina and then farts on you.

I had to break up with my boyfriend after he pulled a rude gary on me.

by polyd March 20, 2010

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Rude Dude

A damn prick that has now fuckin idea with whom he's messing with. aka shithead or sometimes called pussy formerly also known as dork.

Rude Dude: Dude I'm rude, Swiss folks are losers.
Genius: Get a brain dude and stop judging people u don't have a fuckin idea of. PS: Go eat shit.

by Stiffmeister January 11, 2005

45๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rude bitch

Can be expressed in the form of a list.

Aka Rude Bitch list.
One obtains this title when someone doesnt like them.
It means they are either a slut, over dramatic, disrespectful, two-faced, caddy bitches, liars ect...

ya dont be a rude bitch

by b4l247 December 3, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

rude much

when the popular girl makes fun of you so you say rude much and she roasts the heck out of you (ใค๏นโŠ‚)

bully: dummy
you: rude much
bully: @$&$#@$)&#$@#%&
you: โ•ญ( เน _เน)โ•ฎ

by WWWWW HUH? March 31, 2021

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

rude boys

1. People that follow ska music
2. someone who wears lots of checkered clothing and does a dance called "skanking"
3. sometimes wear suits and funny hats

All the Rude boys are going to the ska show tonight.

by stevekelting May 4, 2006

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Rude Riot!

A band from Tampa, Florida, who try to be like "Jersey boyz", but really aren't from New Jersey (except for one of them). Typical songs comprise of stereotypical Ska-ish melodies. Their lyrics are usually about how nothing's changed and how everything's the same. They're in major competition with propane, a major source of fuel for many homes.

Ben: Hey, Jones, have you ever heard of "Rude Riot!"?
Jones: No.
Ben: Figures.

by Not The Profane February 23, 2008

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Rude boot

When you have to get rid of a guest who stays too long.

It's only 11 PM . Can't believe Boss is giving us the rude boot again...

by Boss Bonus November 14, 2021