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Scene kids: (Noun) The kids who have lots of @^&#$*%^@! stuff in their names on AIM, Myspace, Livejournal, Xanga, ect... Or, not a name at all, but something like, "The depressed teenage angst inside my mind is wasted on you." Over 70% of scene kids are addicted before the age of 13, and usually realise it isn't cool around the age of 17, but there ARE some exceptions. They listen to music no one has heard of (including themselves, they make it up) The stile however, does not have to be Emo, you will often find "Gothic" "Xcore" and "Punk" scene kids.
Most importantly, a scene kid believes that everyone else is trying to be like them, and they are the originals. Please note the great example of irony.

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: So i got this new CD the other day... its by "A Place Far From Home" its totally awesome!!11!1

Metalhead24 wrote: Hey, Scene kid, that band isnt real, you made them up.

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: NO, Their real, you just havnt hrd of em, their "UG Xcore".

Metalhead24 wrote: Whats UG Xcore?

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: Under Ground Hard Core, god, l1ke, dont U k^0W 4nyTh1^g?

Metalhead24 wrote: Apparently Not.

*^<>~Xcoretothemax~<>^* wrote: p053R.

by Snowskater13 November 17, 2005

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People who often wear tight clothes, and usually grow their hair out to there shoulders and then curl it at the ends or chop it up then bleach it to were they do it wrong and it comes out green or orange.

Scene guy: Man do these pants make my hips look big?
Scene Girl: Yea they do.
Scene Guy: RAD!!!! Maybe they should go tighter!!!

by Alex & Pinto June 20, 2005

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Scene is a form of expression, not nessicerily for nonconformists. Just for the awkward, and the insecure. Usually with a tight jacket and tight girl pants, slip on vans, long straight hair, and a belt faced to the back. And i wear girl pants and tight little jackets. Your testis aren't going to shrink and you can have all the babies you want. Everyone who bashes Scene kids are idiots, they have absolutely no idea what there talking about. They simply have nothing better to do. They don't have lives. That's fine. And not to get confused with annoying Electrikk kids (that's teh sex!, lets go highlight a page, for fun!). Or emo, emo kids usually consists of people who are emotionally depressed and scared for the future, usually cut to release the pain.

Look, timmy has on girl pants today, i wonder if those are the same ones i have? Oh and he got a new Saosin shirt? How scene of him.

by The Answer x3 October 22, 2006

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The act of dressing like an emo person, yet you aren't depressed and you love life. Somewhat a poser but not.

Im scene stupid not emo, see no cuts on my wrists.

by Porcine October 21, 2006

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A bunch of damn faggots who think its cool to wear all shades of colours on their eyes, lots and lots of dumbass accessories and by just being a plain bigot fag.


by ZeeSpy October 13, 2009

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The much too stereotyped way of style. Many like to call "scene kids" rude and arrogant, but scene is simply a matter of clothing style and whatever you wear doesn't make you whatever the hell you are.

Scene style often consists of bright colors, funky & unique wardrobe (it honestly doesn't matter what the hell you think of the STEREOTYPED scene kid, their style is unique no matter what you think about "them"), vintage/band tees, and for the girls' scene style, Hello Kitty and other cute things like that.

Scene kids are NOT douchebags.

Stop stereotyping them; you probably have never even met a scene kid and got this from some person on the internet.
"I love the scene style with all the colors and unique wardrobe!"

"I love the scene style with it's bright colors and cute jeans!"

by LynneTheKoalaWhoMadeAMISTAKE June 30, 2009

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Apperently being scene on this website means your a narcissistic bastard..but in reality, "scene" kids are just being different we like music and being alternative so what we dont conform to society's standards, personally my life is music and fashion most of who you call "scene" would agree.

"Oh look at that kid in tight pants with headphones lets label him scene, yup he just flicked his hair thats scene alright"

by rawr-nosam_rawr May 8, 2008

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