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Selfish Fun

When someone has fun at the expense of others. Whether that be physically/mentally harming them, or making them not have a good time.

When someone plays dodgeball without the consent of others, that would be selfish fun. Since they are hurting others for their entertainment.

by chomper1173 August 1, 2023

selfish music

When you play music at a very low volume so that you are the only one who can hear it.

"It's so quiet in the office! Are you listening to selfish music again?"


"Well, I don't want to work in silence. I'll turn on some of my own, too!"

by pricklypear2018 October 12, 2018


My life can be about whatever I want it to be about and if I have a right to be compensated for the property others take then (Which I do) then there is no reason for me not exercise that right.

Hym "Jordan, you just want me to fail because I suceeded to spite you. My life doesn't need to be about anything. Selfishness is one of the many higher order abstractions you're using to deny me my rights. You are a charlatan. You are visibly and actively co-opting the practice of psychology and the church for your own ends and colluding with American politicians to do so."

by Hym Iam July 13, 2024

selfish hoes

when you don’t let your ‘friend’ join u at barrier at mfor when harveys performing and don’t care when ur crying on the floor🥴🥴🥴

this is how selfish hoes act

by cezza July 27, 2019

selfish cunt

someone that breaks up with someone and then gets mad when they sleep with someone else

“i’m mad at you because i broke up with you and you slept with someone”
“you’re being a selfish cunt”

by robious middle school February 15, 2025

Sensitive Selfish

A person that gets there feelings hurt easily so than does not help anyone in return.

Ashley got mad at Logan for not picking her up on time so she decided to not give him gas money and be sensitive selfish for the trip to Vegas!!!!

by Logan Jugg August 5, 2021


When your friend/girlfriend/boyfriend edits an Instagram picture to make themselves look good and doesn’t care how the second person in the picture looks.

Brittany, I look terrible in your Instagram picture and you look great? That’s such


by Tompikapp January 29, 2019