To "Ed Sheeran-ify" someone is when a celebrity is asked by their management to make or contribute to videos/photos/interviews that will receive lots of attention due to it being a trend. This term is typically used when referring to old celebrities/celebrities that don't have a big online presence, because it shocks people when they "keep up with the trends", even when it's really just their management team.
Person 1: "Bro have you seen that Tiktok of Harry Daniels singing 'Houdini' to Dua Lipa?"
Person 2: "Yes, it's so clearly yet another Ed Sheeran-ify situation to get her more money! Harry is literally in an office this time, and is singing her newest song."
Person 1: "That's literally what I was gonna say!"
1st you will need 2 people
2. At precisely 2:18 am start dancing in a circle
3. Smack ur thigh 8 times
4. Sit in a circle and put something bright red in the middle
5. Massage your feet while chanting Ed Sheeran
Let’s Summon Ed Sheeran at 2:18 am
When an average looking guy picks up a guitar and mesmerizes every girl in the room.
Me: oh boy i’ve fallen victim to the Ed Sheeran Effect
Friend: But he’s so unattractive!
Someone (typically a male) who tries to act all tough and cool but cannot pull it off because they have the intimidation level of a baby kitten
"Dude's acting like a total Edge Sheeran, like he thinks he's hot shit, but it's almost adorable because he's really not"
Hey look,Ed sheeran eating bred
Bred sheeran,noice
basically an eating disorder, but it win’t be banned on tiktok
- bro, you look kinda unhealthy lately
- yeah, actually - my ed not sheeran is kicking my ass……