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Shite in a poke

Shite in a poke Scottish Slang for fuck off.

"Go shite in a poke bobby"

by Counfsed May 6, 2018

Not worth a shite

Irish saying. Describes something which is completely useless and valueless. Alternatively, can be used to describe a completely incompetent person. To Irish people, this phrase is used to refer to something which is below even the value of feces. In other words, the worst level of uselessness something can possibly reach.

My lawnmower isn't worth a shite!

Tom: Jesus Christ, how are we after losing 8-0 again?
Joe: Face it Tom, Paddy's not worth a shite in goal. He's as likely to save anything as he is giving up the drink.

by Jotinmick April 18, 2018

Shite ite

A way to say shut up if your name starts with F.

β€œMan you get no bitches!!” -person #1
β€œShite ite” - person number 2 whines

by Fortnite god 11 January 1, 2022

Wild shite

Uncomfortable,extreme and erratic bowel movements normally self inflicted through over indulgence in alcohol, a bad pint or spicy foods or a mixture of all of these.

I had too much to drink last night and a vindaloo, had a wild shite this morning

by Eck the bear February 20, 2018

murder a shite

The act of taking a giant glorious shit originates in Ireland "said with an Irish accent"

Hey Patrick where are you going?

Oi! Calm your arse I gotta go murder a shite!

by Tupperware_33 October 5, 2015

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shite trumpet

Someone that talks with the confidence that they are correct about a subject but are in fact total liars and have a developed renown for this. Often the person that is lying is completely unaware that his audience knows that they are lying.

Cole Kuzmici: and oh yeah I once knew this guy that fell asleep on a rope. He was a friend of my dad who is a high ranking official in NATO...
Me: That's nonsense mate, you are a total shite trumpet.

I don't believe anything Kuzmici says. He is a total shite trumpet.

by harrisishere January 11, 2008

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blue shite

Supporter of Everton, normally from North Wales

The Blue Shite will be dancing in the Streets of Rhyl tonight

by Anonymous April 8, 2003

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