Source Code

Texas Shooter

A sexual position in which two (2) people will have one (1) unloaded rifle. The person not holding the rifle will be blindfolded. The person holding the rifle precedes to stick the rifle into the anal cavity and start shooting.
Warning: Before attempting this activity, make sure you have an unloaded rifle. Murder is not tolerated.

Sarah: Man last night, Dill gave me a Texas shooter. I cumed for, like, 5 hours.
Jill: Ewww, Dill's my brother you sick ho.

by bigmack2000000 May 16, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Snowball Shooter

After swapping cum orally between 1-4 people the load is spit into a shot glass and accompanied with your alcoholic beverage of choice,then bottoms up,swallow that shit.

Holy shit,Jeff did so many snowball shooters lastnight!!!

I'm so hungover after all those snowball shooters.

by Tankerspanker December 11, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shooter music

1. Rock music with a hard, fast beat, good to play during activities involving shooting, such as Air-soft or Paintball

2. Music used in the gunbattles scenes of movies.

3. Music found in the Background or part of the soundtrack in primarily shooter movies,

Shooter Music Examples

Definition 1
~401 Kill, by Rise Against

Definition 2
~Kickstart my Heart by Motley Crue

Definition 3
~Shape of Things to come, by Audioslave

by Clive Owen...HAH, just kidding June 29, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

poop shooter

simply to get a girl right in the butthole.

yo man i tried to get into the poop shooter with my girl last night and she fucking slapped me.

by josh510 July 14, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

six shooter

When hold your hand like a gun with your pointer and middle finger extended outward and then finger a vagina.

Hey Tommy, did you give her the ol' six shooter?

I like to start off with six shooting.

by Zdoggerdudemandogdude July 7, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

School Shooter

An insane white boy who hates school so fucking much that their conscience got them to blow up the whole school with pistols, and kill anyone who got on their dam nerves.

White dude: god damnit school is so fuxcking boring, they should pay a lesson.
Black guy: What lesson?
White dude: I'm going to shoot the school dumbass.
Black guy: Nigga- calm tf down.

A few days later.

There has been a report of a School Shooter killing several people, whom are dead at a highschool...

by uarefads May 12, 2021

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Cock Shooter

A Cock Shooter takes place when a male takes the skin from his scrotum by both hands and gently streches it out to form a crude bowl. A second person (male or female) will take a bottle of alchohol (any kind would do) and pour some into the outstreched skin.
Afterwards, the second person will proceed to lap the alchohol out of the makeshift scrotum bowl with their tongue.

Sean and AJ were doing Cockshooters together.

Chris was found doing a Cock Shooter off of Heath.

by Lord_Dormammu October 10, 2006

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