Ronald McDonald's department store where child molesters get their Smegma to smoke with their Walmart brand Bongs
Shrek opened up a kiosk selling weed at Ronald McDonald House Smegma Emporium
A gamer or geeky dude who has bad hygiene, smells bad and does not wear deodorant.
Don’t want to go to the super smash bros tournament since there are too many smegma lords and it reeks.
sweeet and juicy smegma lord of the smegma kingdom.
oh lord he is so sexy he must be a smegma lord
Smegma a cheesy like substance hidden within the dark depths of the body
Isma the great tall hideous mythical monster that everyone should be familiar with
don't get near it it might give you the smegma touch....
EWWWWWWWW theres isma smegma everywhere
Someone who collects large amounts of smegma.
Unfortunatly… ur son… is a smegma-master
paul’s smegma means a man’s penis that has some sort of “cheese” on it, peiple can eat it and sell it
“hey i need some of paul’s smegma”
“okay here”
(noun): a dick, one to be considered of fine crafting.
Sanchez replied " god crafted a smegma factory in these pants."