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When you sneeze and fart at the same time.

I used to snart a lot in the swimming pool.

by XxTrafficConeSnatcherxX November 26, 2019


v. To sneeze and fart simultaneously.

n. The nickname of one who is incapable of sneezing without letting a fart escape at the same time.

"Dude, did you just step on a frog?"
"No, that was my sister, she snarted."

by jbean27 April 8, 2014


a combination of a sneeze and fart

Oh shit i feel a snart coming on

by Wordfondeler September 2, 2017


A snart is when a male identifies as a single lady but it is a male

“I identiy as a snart.”
What do you have down there?”

by Gstar1234731 June 27, 2022


"trans" spelled backwards

"One of my favorite things about my trans hat is that in the mirror it spells 'snart'!"

by Mr. Mister-Man January 7, 2020


The combination of farting and sneezing, Where a person farts as well as sneezing at the exact same time

Oh my, Gerald just snarted! Hahaha!

by Radin Happier January 1, 2023


A snarl and a fart. It's a weird furry kink enjoyed by children and adults alike. Very weird and gross.

Yukine snart

by eclipses moonlight day January 22, 2017