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Liberty Spikes

A hair style worn by punk rockers where a strand of hair is gelled or glued and then twisted at the tip to form a "spike". Eventually when gone through the whole head, it looks like the statue of liberty's spiked crown, thus giving it the name of Liberty Spike. Nowadays most posers wear them, who aren't really punks but do it for the fashion.

Real punk rockers used wood glue for their hair styles.

by RustyRazor November 9, 2003

89πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

spiked log

A basic log that comes out of your ass feeling like you've given birth to a friggin' porcupine. Painful.

"My diet of junk food is making me shit out spiked logs"

by LeonC December 15, 2002

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

mormon spike

To pour Mountain Dew or another caffeinated drink into a punchbowl in order to make them hyper. Usually used jokingly.

"It's going to be a CRAZY party. I mean, I'm totally going to Mormon spike the punch."

by J Diggity Dog October 21, 2007

25πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

dykes on spikes

Female golfers or the LGPA tour

Those dykes on spikes played better than the men on the mid and short game.

by Jolly Roger April 3, 2004

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Spike Spiegel

Also just "a Spike." Someone who is like Spike Spiegel from the anime series Cowboy BeBop. A cool dude in his own way. Sort of cheesy and doesn't follow trends. Smooth talker. Similar to an "Austin" in many aspects. Usually smokes, is tall, thin, and has an unusual haircut. Good dresser. Drives a cool car.

"hey, sweet party. Who's that guy just smoking and leaning on the wall over there?"

"I dunno, but he seems like a total Spike Spiegel."

by Blankomoto July 9, 2009

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Dirty Spike

A man who’s been a virgin for all of his life because he takes all his std jokes too far. Nothing but a little town whore, bait for all the twinks (Ian). Usually a man of many stories filled with hepatitis A, B and C.

β€œAwh, man! Don’t pull a Dirty Spike on her”
β€œShe can’t contract what she already has!”
Please, seek help at your local sexual health clinic.

by Shermanator June 16, 2020

Spike and run

The act of buying a non-alcoholic drink, then sneakily popping in to a bathroom or alley to add alcohol.

We needed to smuggle liquor into the concert, so I bought some pepsi and pulled a spike and run.

by FOR-NARNIAAAAA September 12, 2009