This is a Rhythm Game, a Rhythm Game is a popular genre which is sometimes (mostly) about hitting a certain subject in time to the music (Theres also sometimes an indicator) (In some games)
DoesntPlayRhythmSproutGuy: Hey! Whatcha' playing over there?
RhythmSproutGuy: I'm playing Rhythm Sprout!
DoesntPlayRhythmSproutGuy: Rhythm Sprout..? Whats that?
RhythmSproutGuy: It's a Rhythm Game!
DoesntPlayRhythmSproutGuy: Cool! Can I play?
RhythmSproutGuy: You dont have to ask! It's FREE on STEAM! (as of writing this)
DoesntPlayRhythmSproutGuy: Nice! I'll go download it!
*DoesntPlayRhythmSproutGuy Is Going Upstairs*
RhythmSproutGuy: Hey and you might rage a bit!
RhythmSproutGuy: Uhh.. Helloo?
When your sock's holes are too big that your leg hair sticks out. Note that the holes are NOT from the sock ripping.
Guy 1: Dude whats on your sock?
Guy 2: I think thats leg hair.
Guy 3: Hey everyone! This guy has a sock sprout!
When a woman goes down on a unshaven man mane, comes up and kisses the repugnant Y Chromosome individual, and has pubes stuck in between her teeth
AB: "Hey Don, guess what happened to me last night?!"
DB: "What dude?"
AB: "This unruly chick went down on me for 25 minutes and then I realized I didn't trim my man bush until she came up with alfalfa sprouts in her floss...gross..."
Bro, stop being a sprouting potatoe and get on cod.
When someone's sprouting phase is short, causing them to be a small or short person.
Guy 1: your ugly
Guy 2: Chill out short sprout
When someone's sprouting phase is short, causing them to be a small or short person.
Guy 1: your ugly
Guy 2: Chill out short sprout
When someone's sprouting phase ended short causing them to be little or small.
Guy 1: Bro im going to eat you
Guy 2: Chill out short sprout