Sucessing- When you get your success on
I used to be a loser like you, but now I'm sucessing! Damn, look at Tina over there successing all over the place!
When a woman with red lipstick on gives a man a blowjob and it leaves a red ring on his dick.
Man 1: Do you get it with Stacy last night?
Man 2: Nah bruh, but her mom gave me The Red Ring Of Success
Success with a woman or man that facilitates the possibility of marriage for you.
That wasn't romantic success because I had no intention to marry him.
I'm MORE SUCCESSFUL that you, Eric.
Hym "I did the same thing you did except my Mangas already have anime adaptations and they are better than yours. And you, might ask 'what do I have to show for it?'and I would say 'You, crying like a bitch.' That and I'm going to have the scalp of a child if I don't get my money soon. So, no. I don't need to shut up or work. What I NEED is a reason not to murder someone's kids over you trying to get away with robbing me... And there isn't one. I'm more successful than you. You are going to live with that or someone is going to live without their kids."
Anything you can walk away from
I mean, half of my rocket exploded trying to land it on Mun, and so my kerbals are now stuck there, but they're still alive, so i call that a successful landing.
The plane is wrecked, but everyone survived, so that was a successful landing.
When a person or system reports as having successfully completed a task, however, it has not actually been successful.
The backup failures are not being reported as failures. They are a Russian success.