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Swamp Snatch

When a females vagina becomes sweaty and stinky. Often smells like low tide or a swamp.

Common culprits:
-Not washing enough

"This strip club smells like swamp snatch"

by karswo1090 August 14, 2011

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swamp johnnying

Placing a condom on the penis and proceeding to urinate and swing back and forth until the condom bursts.

I can not believe Aaron was swamp johnnying last night! Some mug is going to have to mop that mess up!

by Barlow & Daz February 16, 2017

Swamp Name

A term you use while describing a name, usually a first name, that you dislike.

Theo: oh I hate the name theo. its such a swamp name.

Noah: what the fuck are you talking about

by cursedlimits June 12, 2021

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Shit Swamp

A common form of diarrhea, in which soft fecal matter and non digested food (most often lettuce or vegetables) covers much of the toilet's surface water, giving the appearance of a miniaturized marsh, swamp or bog within the bowl. It must then be allowed to linger; no flushing, until potency has been acquired and a second party has declared it to be such.

Also sometimes but rarely known as Bowel Bog

Alex is being a dick, I'm gonna go Shit Swamp his toilet. Wait 15 minutes and then go declare it.
If I find out which of you assholes just laid a Shit Swamp in my bathroom, I'll beat your nads in!

Never mind he declared it for you.

by BFew November 23, 2010

Swamp people

A show about huntin' alligators and living on the swamp. The people are so redneck that they have to put subtitles when they speak. These people are cajun and their ancestors have been huntin gators for over 300 years. They are committed to their way of life and living off the land

Quotes from Swamp People "das a tree-shaka

Chootem Clant Chootem!!!"--Troy a character on the show
"Gators not a stupid animal. It don't take'em long to learn, they learn...quick"(snap)-- Junior

by Sex Demon February 17, 2012

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Swamp Ninja

A black person, particularly one that disappears when there is cotton to be picked, like some sort of Ninja.

African American: Hey what's up?

You: I need some cotton picked, do you know anyone who could do it?

*African American throws a smokebomb and vanishes*

You: Damn you, you Swamp Ninja!

by Zombiekileer July 8, 2010

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cock swamp

1. A lady who is known for being a dirty whore.

2. To be swamped by cocks

In a sentence, Nicole is such a cock swamp.

This party is a cock swamp.

by TheSpieler11 December 3, 2014

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