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badda td

Badda td is a rapper that blew up from a song called "picture I paint",and gained more recognition from his single "gang gang",although he's not known in the mainstream,he's very known in the fortnite community,specifically,the "fortnite montage" community,he's also kinda famous in the "underground rap scene".

Badda td is an upcoming rapper that I hope,will blow up.

by Uncultured country guy November 21, 2021

Badda TD

Badda TD is a musical artist who blew up from a song called "picture I paint",the song is very catchy and currently has 15 million views on youtube,he has 60 million streams in total on his spotify page and 263,069 spotify listeners ,not to mention his 37 million views in total on his youtube channel,he has made more songs like "Gang" and "Feel Like A Boss Ft 42 dugg",which both gathered hundreds of views.

Badda TD Is An Upcoming Artist,That I hope Succeeds In His Music Career.

by Uncultured country guy November 21, 2021


Toes Don’t Give A Shit

When CPCHAD doesn’t respond to me and I don’t think she gives a shit, I said TD GAS. Toes Don’t Give A Shit

by Kp146 October 4, 2023


Trump Devotion Syndrome (TDS) is a term used to describe an extreme, unwavering loyalty to former U.S. President Donald Trump, often to the point of disregarding facts, evidence, or ethical concerns. It is sometimes used pejoratively to criticize individuals who defend Trump unconditionally, regardless of his actions or statements.

Person A (Normal): I think Trump made some good economic moves, but his handling of COVID-19 was pretty questionable.

Person B (TDS): Are you kidding me? Trump handled COVID better than any president could! The media just lied to make him look bad.

Person A: But he downplayed it at first and even suggested things like injecting disinfectant

Person B: Fake news! He was joking, and even if he wasn’t, at least he was thinking outside the box! Unlike Biden, who can’t even complete a sentence.

Person A: Okay, but what about January 6th? He didn’t really try to stop the riot right away.

Person B: That was a peaceful protest! The real criminals are Antifa and the FBI, who set everything up! Trump is the real victim here.

Person A: So, you’re saying Trump has never done anything wrong?

Person B: Exactly! He’s the best president in history, and anyone who says otherwise is brainwashed.

by GreenFox609 February 9, 2025


Total Dissolved Solids

Since dissolved ionized solids, such as salts and minerals, increase the conductivity of a solution, a TDS meter measures the conductivity of the solution and estimates the TDS from that reading.

Evaporation leaves fertilizer behind and you can easily kill plants, had done it. Once I have TDS, I won't have to worry anymore, just measure and add and I know it makes no difference if I'm a little high or low, but I have to have the EXACT TDS to get started or I set myself up for disaster.

by NC_FarmGal June 1, 2022


TDS is an OG DBZFS clan that has recently moved to a multi game clan. It consists of Xbox,PS4 and PC Players

Have you ever heard of TDS ??

Yeah TDS on top BTW

by Tremmyyy August 22, 2022


Trump Derangement Syndrome

That dude has some serious TDS... I've never seen a person foam at the mouth like that before

by JustaDude12 December 27, 2023