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Throwing up 4's

Throwing up 4's is a common way to show that you want hard sexual intercourse with "Dakon."

Omg you see "____" throwing up 4's?? That means they want to have hard sexual intercourse with "Dakon."

by ddelimo_691 June 26, 2022

Throwing up 4's

Throwing up 4's is a common way to show that you are deeply in love with "Dakon."

You see "___" throwing up 4's? That mean's he's in love with "Dakon"

by ddelimo_691 June 24, 2022

throwing up 4's

you love MADI P🦕🦕

i finna be throwing up 4's when i see madi p

by dinosaur!!! May 23, 2022

Throwing up 4's

A way explaining that you love hot Men

I was throwing up 4's because I love hot men

by WILLIAM THIOMAs September 25, 2022

Throwing up 4's

You are insanely in love with a girl named Camila

He is throwing up 4's that means he should be in love with Camila

by eaqb07 September 27, 2022

four 1/4's

this is a drinking game for any sport if you modify the rules

rules: every player has to have 2 pre-game shots. during the first half of the game (first and second quarter) the players have to have 4 shots. from halftime to the end of the game each player has to drink 5 beers.

on a sunday football game, get all your friends together and play four 1/4's

by je-sik-uh October 2, 2006

throwing 4’s up

means that they are NOT loyal at all, and that they’ll play U any day

Jay “He’s throwing 4’s up”
Lily “he must be unloyal

by canibyour1only September 19, 2022