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Tom Cheek

Toronto Blue Jays broadcaster that broadcaster 4, 306 CONSECUTIVE games for the Blue Jays ever since their very first game in 1977 when Toronto first got a MLB franchise. Streak broke in June 2004 when he left because of the passing away of his father. Broadcasted all of Toronto's records, such as World Series, ALCS, ALDS, no-hitters, etc. Died in Ocotber of 2005 due to a brain tumour, he was only 66.

GOD BLESS TOM CHEEK (1939-2005)!

"Touch 'em all Joe, you'll never hit a bigger home run in your life."
- Tom Cheek -- signature call on Toronto Blue Jays' outfielder Joe Carter's 3-run home run in the ninth inning to break the tie in the 1993 World Series to win the Jays their second consecutive MLB championship.

by bananas232325 October 12, 2005

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Sandy Cheeks

An unappreciated character of the common Nick television show, "Spongebob Squarepants"
A squirrel that lives under the sea. Goes on adventure with her friends: Spongebob, Patrick, and Squidward. A female scientist that lives in a tree dome.

A: Hey Jimmy, you wanna watch Spongebob?
J: Yeah I love watching Sandy Cheeks!
A: Who?

by RandomPerson3 January 21, 2017

54๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Slap Cheeks

To have sex with some one.

Hey man I'm gonna go slap cheeks with Rachel.

by Chit den kinds August 18, 2009

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Cheek Bones

What women want, some have, and some contour to make fakes. Cheek bones are very hot and make faces look better. When men have good cheek bones, it's sexy. When women have good cheek bones, it's sexy. Get it?

I got some makeup today at Ulta that makes my cheek bones have depth idc if they're fake because they're hot

by SoHot January 26, 2015

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Cheek Fucking

The act of pushing the butt cheeks together and having sex with them without penetration. (must have a descent ass)

"She said she wasn't down for anal so I just pushed that ghetto booty together and went to town Cheek Fucking her."

by J G van Gass July 11, 2008

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clapping cheeks

When you hit it from the back and the cheeks start clappin

Alex Smith was clapping cheeks with Auty Bear.
Auty Bear was clapping her cheeks for Alex Smith.

by AlexJakeFucccedAutyBear April 21, 2019

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The sandy cheeks

To tap her cheeks on the nice, and sunny beach even tho they might get a little sandy

Iโ€™m about to take my girl down to the beach to give her the sandy cheeks

by ThePillCosby September 14, 2018