Does verbal diarrhea count as brown fireworks or is it a case of just endless bloviating?
When a person sticks a firecracker in the other partners anal, after the person has ejaculated in the anal hole.
Then said person will then light the firecracker, so the semen will cover said partners.
Mary: is that a firecracker..?
John: yes Mary
Mary: oh John!
John: here one creamy firework
Fireworks means when you have an explosive, huge orgasm. Could happen after or before sex 😉
Did you see Alyx fireworks after sex with me
if you are outside with a friend on new year’s and if they tell you the fireworks are pretty that means they love you
A program made by Adobe. Basically a fucked up version of Photoshop
Guy 1: Wow I made some great art on fireworks!
Guy 2: WTF why are you using that garbage it is all about the Photoshop life.
The intersection of the private and the public.
The places where these go up are open to the public, even on private property.
I was beaten up by a scary person for uploading fireworks to social media.
Something that’s my neighbors are doing on July 3 ( witch is today) IN THE SUNLIGHT GOT DAM LIKE WTF DUDE
Me: what the hell you doing
Neighbors: oh I’m lighting fireworks
Me: in daylight wow you’re an idiot
(Real conversation