Ganja, Kush, Weed; Slang for Cannabis joint.
Song : Bob Marley - Kaya
...Wake up and turn I loose
For the rain is falling
Got to have kaya now
Got to have kaya now
Got to have kaya now
For the rain is falling
I'm so high, I even touch the sky
Above the falling rain
I feel so good in my neighbourhood
Kaya is a beautiful name given to the most beautiful soul. The name means many different things: rock/cliff, tree, pure/clean , rest, ability/capability - leopard, good, beautiful, food, strong/firm, restful place, aura, rich/wealthy, forgiveness, appearance/form, happiness/rejoice and elder sister/wise child. She loves and loves until she can’t love anymore. She is often compared to a fairy or a witch. She is a sweet girl and a sensitive soul. everything will work out for her one day.
she be looking shy asf at first but actually is a mean mf. a pretty lesbian mf
omg i want to be as sexy and lesbian as kaya!
The most perfect person you’ll ever meet, she’s extremely smart, pretty and funny. She always knows how to lighten the mood and makes the worst days to the best. If you have a Kaya in your life you’re genuinely a lucky person, shes a one in a million. She also isn’t scared to express her opinions and will never let you down.
Yo bruv you met the new girl Kaya?
Yeahhh shes so cool i really like her.
The most sweet person and only had one good bf and is emo and is a pedo and a zoophile but is the funniest girl to talk to
oh is that kaya she dated the hotted coolest boy with the name j and she is emo jk
Someone who immediately simps for a person after meeting them 10 minutes earlier. Will simp for the owner of a discord server to get their attention and as to get on their good side. Might even go as far as giving them handjobs or sucking their cock. "Kaya" is also sometimes referred to as a "nice guy" or a "sweetie".
moony: bro did you see how kaya simps for se7en
typhon: yea bro like hes such a simp
a person who lies too much and is an active discordian doing anything to gain promotions,
If she gets in trouble for yelling at someone she blames it on her period
staff: Why did you call them stupid in a ticket?
kaya: sorry im on my period