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Morris Cove

A somewhat peaceful waterfront located in New Haven, Connecticut. It is a mixed cultural section with Italians, Canadians, and unfortunately, wiggers. There's plenty of areas to skate, ride your scooter or bike. Everyone there basically knows each other. It seems that plenty of Mexicans pass through Morris Cove, blasting annoying rap music, to reach Lighthouse Park, a park filled with cook-outs and Mexicans blasting music. Overall, Morris Cove is your dream town.

Guy 1: Hey, I'm looking for a quiet place to relax.

Guy 2: Try Morris Cove!

by NotYourAverageHomeboy July 16, 2011

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joe morris

An utter bellend

You an utter joe Morris

by MILLSY April 14, 2016

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Morris PArk

A neighborhood in the Bronx. ITs crime rate has been quickly and majorly increasing since around 1987. The crime rate has also been known to drastically increase in only a few months at a time.The crime rate in the past 6 years (2000-2006) has gone through one of the biggest crime waves its had.

Ight if u ain't from Morris Park don't go to Morrris PArk or you'll get hurt.

by Bronxsta November 7, 2006

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morris plains

One square mile of banks. Everyone goes to Borough, but you have 60 people in your class. The class of 2017 hang out spot was Daniels house and DIPS. 98% of the kids are white. The only reason Quick Chek is open is because all the boys go there after hanging out at "the turf". Only 3-4 kids in every grade go to a different high school that isn't Morristown. Everyone has money. There are 2 really big houses that everyone wants, Kate Websters house and the one next to Mt. Way school. People die in random places, overdose is Quick Chek bathroom, suicide behind Annabelle's , murder in the apartment buildings. If you live pass the train station you have to get a bus to school and people look at you as outsiders. You walk everywhere, but everyone is too lazy to walk across town. In middle school if you are friends with people from Frelinghuysen, you are THE SHIT! You know everything about everyone, and the parents know all the gossip. There are only 2 friend groups.

If you are from Morris Plains you are a "Borough Kid".

by Joshieij 7uh6yge5vtr3 October 16, 2018

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Verb. To date more than one girl on the same night in the same location. Derived from the name of a common employer of the classic sitcom trope, Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell.

-"Dude, I'm seeing these two totally awesome chicks, but I can only afford one night out this week."
-"Easy dude, find a large bar and Zack-Morris them."

by LikeTotallyAwesome May 7, 2013

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dirty morris

A sloshy type of sock, that sticks to your foot or a trout like face in pain.

ewww get that dirty morris away from me

by mwahaa June 16, 2008

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morris hacker

a person who is a noob at hacking

you r so a noob you moris hacker

by michael lawrence November 30, 2004

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