Source Code

Draco Noise

When you see a really cool edit of a really hot person and then you make a very interesting noise.

Person 1: Ummmm… What was that noise. Are there people upstairs?
Person 2: No. That was just Abby. She was watching an edit.

Person 1: Then why did she make THAT kind of noise.

Person 2: Ohhh that’s called a Draco Noise.

by john owen fan August 13, 2021

Fuck that noise

1. Another way of saying, "Fuck that shit" When you disagree with someone.

Girl: Hey want to go see Twilight: Breaking Dawn??

Guy: Fuck that noise!

Girl: What is that suppose to mean?!

Guy: it means, whatever noise you just made....Fuck it!

by tooYokedforThis December 2, 2011

134πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

sex noises

when a man and a woman are screaming yelling or saying somthing to keep the other person to keep fucking each other

sex noises :β€œuh .... uh again .... harder ... come on dont stop ....oh ... oh .... YES ....uh uh ohhh”

by stargrl February 18, 2011

152πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

screw that noise

Variation on screw dat, also "screw this noise". To refuse a stupid suggestion; to refute a statement; to express exasperation with the stupid people.

"Screw that noise! I ain't gonna let you drive MY car!"

"This forum is full of trolls. Screw this noise, I'm outta here."

by velo2000 August 26, 2005

45πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

noise bot

those ads that might as well scream i have mental issues and get paid to bother the public with it

these noise bot ads are so annoying the creator has issues

by ello kitty 1515 September 11, 2011

25πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

the brown noise

The brown noise was discovered by the french, and tested as a weapon during WWII. It is a a 12 - 14 Hz sound wave that, when played loud enouch, relaxes your sphincter, causing loss of bowl control.

by DARqCHILD August 21, 2003

97πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Dick Noise

The noise that is created when a dick is slapped against the lower belly. Often done in the presence of other males as a sign of dominance. Louder noises are made by thicker dicks. Females recognize a loud dick noise as a sign the male is an acceptable partner to breed with.

"Damn boy, that's some loud-ass dick noise... you win, you can have her."

by 25Louis25 August 23, 2008

38πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž