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Pelican Pilot

A Pelican Pilot; is a helicopter/airplane pilot who always has more reasons not to go flying than to go flying.

Customer: That "Pelican Pilot" you sent never wants fly!
Boss: I know; you have to throw rocks to get them to fly!

by Maximizeme March 9, 2020

combine pilot

A Canadian grain farmer, especially one from the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.

See that guy from Saskatchewan with the Case IH hat? Now there's a combine pilot!

by Oilers_guy February 5, 2014

Pontius Pilot

A Pontius Pilot is someone flies planes and rides cocks.

Shayne is Pontius Pilot.

by PeterBirnie August 20, 2021

i WIll bE PilOt

the job all pakistan kid want to do until they get shot down and cry

person 1 : whEn I grOW uP i WilL Be A huUU ArMY ANd SaVe PakiStaN AnD dEStrOy InDiA, i WIll bE PilOt .
person 2 : wooooow grape, no one will have carrot

by pagylolo October 22, 2020

Penis pilot

A man that has such a small brain, that at times he has to let his Penis make decisions for him, this leads to many awkward social interaction

Man, Dave was such a Penis pilot yesterday, he was hitting on this girl and WOULD NOT accept that she wasn’t interested

by Nikola_The_Tesla December 8, 2019

Pilots of Sound

The up-and-coming epic band of win. They play Rock music, and are just awesome overall.

Max: Yo, have you written that song for our band Pilots of Sound?
Sal: You know I've been busy playing WOW....

Groupie: OMG OMG OMG OMG, POS (Pilots of Sound), WE <3 YOU!


trouser pilot

Anyone who would like to play with your "joystick".

"Oh Monica! God bless your soul! You sure make for a wonderful trouser pilot! I bet you could suck-start a Harley"! or... "Bill was a natural trouser pilot- he could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch"!... mmm

by Scrabbleddie August 5, 2007

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