An evil, self-centered, homophobic, criminal, greedy, tyrannical, un-educated, red state, dumb-ass, NASCAR-watching, backward-ass, christian, redneck, hypocritical fear-monger that opposes abortion, stem-cell research, gay rights, evolution, and basic human logic, while cheering loudly over war of all kinds, thriving on torture, stripping populations of civil rights, practicing closeted gay sex with adolescents, and making policy dicisions based solely on profit and and greed and wrapping it all in a cloak of "morality" and "family values".
Republican thought is the real terrorism.
Jesus was definitely NOT a Republican.
480๐ 240๐
One of the newest dirty words in the English language.
In some quarters, Republican has become a dirty word.
817๐ 421๐
1. Someone who has been beaten down and abused for so long that he begins to believe that he deserves no help from his fellow man. Someone living a hard life who has been fooled into thinking that it's an honest, noble living. Someone who doesn't care that under Democratic presidents, he has more money in his pocket and his kids can eat, because he likes suffering.
2. The greedy bastards who take advantage of said idiots by providing them with no education and then using their stupidity against them.
3. Middle class white men who pretend that they benefit from republican policies even when said policies are raping them in the ass.
Republicans own all the wealth and keep others poor so they don't expect to have a better life and thus vote republican.
1596๐ 850๐
(N.) 1. A young person who realizes that the only way they can "rebel" in this pill
popping and hippie culture is to join forces with their grandparents.
2. A middleaged person who has finally paid off their college debt and does not want any "poor people" getting a cut of their check.
3. An elderly person who "saved" a lot of money by not paying any taxes due to "creative book-keeping" and just wants to hear Tom Brokaw call them the greatest generation about 500 times.
Screw you it's mine, mine ,mine, mine. I vote Republican.
322๐ 163๐
The Republican Party is one of two major contemporary political parties in the United States; the other being the Democratic Party. It is often referred to as the GOP, or Grand Old Party, although it is the younger of the two major parties. During the current 110th Congress, it is the minority party in the United States House of Representatives and the Republican caucus constitutes a minority in the United States Senate. Republicans hold a minority of governorships and control a minority of state legislatures. The current President of the United States (2001-present), George W. Bush, is a Republican.
Since 1856, Republicans have won 23 of the 38 presidential elections, including 7 of the last 10; 18 of the 28 U.S. Presidents since then have been Republicans. After the Republican Revolution of 1994, the Republican Party was the majority party in the House of Representatives and almost continuously was the majority party in the United States Senate from 1995 to 2007; the Democratic Party took control of both the House and the Senate in the 2006 elections.
The Republican Party is composed of Fiscal Conservatives, Evangelicals, Social Conservatives, Neoconservatives, Libertarians, Moderates, Liberals (sometimes derided as Republican In Name Only, or RINOs, by more conservative Republicans), and Log Cabin Republicans.
83๐ 28๐
A collection of goose stepping low lifes. These people put the wealthy, special interests, and Republican Christianity first, and the American people - especially the poor and vulnerable - last.
Cut taxes on the rich so they'd have more money. Cut social support for people. Throw money into the security money hole. Fight blood soaked oil wars. Try to privatize and wreck social security. Strip Americans of their basic Constitutional and Human Rights. These are a few things that Republicans have done.
What do you call a busload of Republicans going through the gates of a maximum security prison?
A good start!
1693๐ 917๐
A member of the Republican Party who generally has right wing views, believes in lower tax rates, lack of dependency of the government in everyday life, and believes in less market restrictions.
This is a real definition, not just a five paragraph rant about how republicans suck. This is what you'd find in a dictionary.
Abraham Lincoln and George Bush were both members of the Republican Party.
2564๐ 1415๐