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Squishing the Burrito

Female Masturbation

Q:Why was Lauren being so quiet in the backseat?
A:She was back there squishing the burrito

by JC24 February 17, 2009

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-to have sexual intercourse with; to fuck
-more effective when used sexually, but can be used for emphasis

We squished last night!
I squished him so hard that he pooped his pants.
Squish you!
Shut the squish

by privacykingdoms June 22, 2015

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When one is not able to say "I love you" due to circumstances or is mad at their signifigant other, the word Twiggle-squish is the appropriate interjection.

"Shut up! Twiggle-squish."

When around strangers...: "Twiggle-squish."
Around parents or children: "Twiggle-Squish"

by Lily July 6, 2004

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squish and roll

creepy movie preachers that cary a gun and are all edgy and has sex with all the female congregation meaning losing your virginity

she is going to lose her virginity if they are doing the ole squish and roll

by da_rat_skayler September 24, 2019

squish oreo

two black guys double team a white girl. One in the mouth and one in the ass at the same time.

Is that the white girl from the party last night? Yea it is. Me and ray ray had it. Squish oreo

by engbel June 1, 2016

trouser squish

When you step in a puddle, it's the little bit of water that slowly but surely crawls up your pant leg. It's annoying as heck.

"Dang it!"
"What is it Rylee?"
"I got major trouser squish!"

by ShaquishaTheGreat March 26, 2010

squished tomato

When a male with a large penis "squishes" or "destroys" a white females vagina while on her period.

" I bet that girl Amado got her squished tomato yesterday"

by DYLANRAPESAMADO69 April 22, 2018