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The social media app insecure teenagers use because they think they are funny and think people actually care about their stolen dances and "Jokes".

Tik-Tok is amazing! (Said no intelligent person ever)

by Taken username November 7, 2020

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Tik tok

A place where meme lords and Furrys fight.

Originally musically, it was bought by a Japanese company and gave the option duet which you could duet people without their permission, which is where the dank lords come in.

Dank lords make funny diets and then they get put on ironic tik tok memes

Normal tik tok user: Comes in for a kiss
Dank lord: Sprays Something

by R/wooosh November 11, 2018

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Tik Tok

vine 2.0 basically

"hey yo, look at that crackhead making a tik tok."

"he probably has ligma"

"what's ligma"

"ligma balls"

by tikthot February 8, 2019

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Tik Tok

A cringey, yet entertaining platform.


EverLEIGH: omg i love tik tok!! bestie!!!
You: ( อก~ อœส– อกยฐ)

by Maysonnaise October 16, 2020

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tik tok

an app that is The cringefest of all cringe, But also funny. Some people abuse it and make 6,000 videos a day that suck.

Guys im making a tik tok wanna join its for memes.

by haleswhales October 28, 2019

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Tik Tok

Something for people with no social life to do in there free time

Follow me on TikTok @olivia.m___
(Btw there is three underscores)

(every follow I get from this my dogs get another great)

Ew Tik Tok how cringey

by Ginger nugget August 11, 2019

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The most bad-ass, booty-shakin' song EVER MADE, written by Ke$ha. A musical drug for some. Oh yeah, and she's hot as fuck too.

A: Dude, are you hard?!??!

B: It's not my fault! TiK ToK is on!

A: Oh, it's okay then.

by SlowXxXLearner November 28, 2009

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