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Nils is someone with whom you feel comfortable and you can absolutely be yourself. He makes you feel like the most special person in this world. He's very, very intelligent, but he never shows off about it. He is always friendly, open and tactful. Nils does not play the tough man, he shows what he loves and is not ashamed of it. Everyone can be happy to have a Nils in their life. Once you get to know him, he's a soul mate. I don't think I've ever loved anyone as much as Nils. Not even a hundred sentences would be enough to put it into words ..

"Nils probably makes someone's life better at the moment."

by AnaRey November 22, 2021


Fishy aint it?

nils?! NIIIIILLLSSS!!!! Get ove here

by ;;3 March 7, 2017


Hes a stupid annoying dumbass who is vey selfish. Hes a lazy moron who will ditch you and who probobly watches inappropriate stuff in his free time.

Nil - So what are we gonna do
You - Homework
Nil - Okay (watches anime)

by A Very Berry Normal Person May 24, 2020


A Turkish name for girls. It is the Turkish version of Nile (a river in Africa). They are kind, smart and really pretty. They always play an instrument. We had one of these girls in high school. All the girls just gossiped about her every time because they were jealous of her.

Boy 1: “How is she so fucking talented and hot at the same time?”
Boy 2: “Well, that’s Nil.”

by chrispassedaway November 21, 2021


Abbreviation commonly used on facebook marketplace meaning ‘Next in Line’. This is what the potential buyer comments on a post when they want the item that’s being sold. If the seller already has a buyer and they fall through then the person who commented “NIL” will be the next one to purchase.


Potential buyer comments, “NIL PLEASE”

by millsyyy534 April 25, 2022


Nils is literally Jack Hanma

Nils is beeing defined by Jack Hanma

by October 10, 2023


Nils is the biggest backstabber who will replace you and ignore you after you showed them all your love and affection. He tells you that he loves you and then blocks you after a month without any reason. You should never trust a person like him.

He has such a bad personality, he must be a Nils!

by LeonaHatesNils May 9, 2022