Wife of former EAW Chairman, CM Banks, former lover of convicted pedophile Brett Kennedy
''Only an Aria Jaxon could love Banks''
Jaxon is a wild spastic creature human test subject that escaped from his cage and has the erge to knock up boys not to be confused with a flog or retard but he is a special type of breed known as a autistic ranga, he usually likes to hang out around the "skatty bruz" or "the isbays ends g"
oi jaxon javens ya flog your a spastic
A sexual, massive, educational UNIT that is hard to stay away from.
Bro, Jaxon Parton was the highlight of the club, did you see how all the ladies were magnetized to him?
a man that is a friend of hassan ayoub and hassan is epic
jaxon Musurichan is epic
Ambries bf. He loves ambrie more than anything.
Alissa: that Jaxon Patterson kid is cute
Everyone else: YOOO HE LOVE AMBRIE