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Some may define "Tragedy" as either Shakesphere, losing your car keys, or losing a loved one. A true tragedy is being born on April 1st. Indeed there is nothing sadder than being forced to suffer through 2 special days at once.

I was born on April 1st and I gotta say my life has been nothing but a Tragedy

by h2ka March 1, 2024



ay yo tat tragedy died
thats sad lmao

by deadlittlefuckerthateatsbunn February 28, 2021


Are inevitable you idiot.

Hym "Those are literally 2 things that are not opposites. Tragedy IS inevitable."

by Hym Iam January 29, 2025


It's a type of soup

You know, the real tragedy is not just what happened to him but that we live in the world where you even have to ask whether or not he is the bad one.

by Hym Iam April 3, 2022

tragedy pod

n. An group of engineers gathered around a single computer screen during a period of extreme operational failure

A tragedy pod of forlorn coworkers formed around the lead engineer's desk while she tried to find the customers' deleted data.

by thesystemisdown February 28, 2017

when tragedy can't describe

Someone's life is now ruined by a bad monent.

when tragedy can't describe

by xdr5t3evq3q September 17, 2023

Middle East Tragedy

Russia, China, the U.S, Japan, France, Spain, and the U.K are discussing Syria and their chemical weapons. Right now ever since the latest memorial of 9-11, there has been tragedy with the muslims in the middle east and countries in south western Russia such as Turkey and Kazakhstan. Libya and Al-Qaeda received a signal to move into Syria and Egypt to surround Israel. It is unknown to all of us of which country sent the signal. But Afghanistan is currently scared now and leaves the war with a frightened attitude and begs the U.S to end the war. Russia believes that China can come up with ideas. To this day, there is war in Iraq. Madness and tragedy strikes the middle east with threats, frights, and various other things. Will this madness ever end?


Middle East Tragedy

by The Freeman October 29, 2013