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A form of acknowledgement that sounds less aggressive when verbally said, but is synonymous to "f*ck off" in the texting world. Can also be interchanged with whateva

A: Wat u doin?
B: Nuthin
A: U mad at me?
B: Uh-huh

by me_not_you January 27, 2012

70👍 28👎

Uh oh

When it finally starts going downhill, you being to come to the knowledge that there is nothing left for you here. You start spiralling down into despair, and you come to the realisation you will never be able to escape the demons that keep dragging you further and further down. Your only choice here is to give into the voices and you must killthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemkillthemk ͈̅ĭ̵̼l̵͇̈́l̶̘͝ţ̶̽h̶͓̀ê̵̜m̴̱͐k̵̭͝i ̞́l ̞͘l ̝̿t̶͚͒h̴̤͗ȇ̶̥m̵̋ͅk̶͚͌i ̱͛l̵̙͘l̴̥̾t̶̹͐h̶̟̍e ̪̊m̶͓̃k ͎̍i̴̬͊l ̖̈́l ͉́t ̥̋ḧ̵̳́e ̜̾m̵̧̎k ̺̒i ͔̈l ̢͊l ̺̕t ̮͋ḧ̵̲́ě̵̯ṃ̴̚k ͇͠i̴͇͝l ͇̄l̵̰͛ẗ̴̟́h̴̘̒e ̹͛m̶̻̑k̵̢͒i̵̗̍ĺ̵̙l̴̀͜t ̲͗h ̖̽ệ̶m̵̼̊k̶̼̂i ͚̎l ́ͅl ̫̕ť̵̘h̴̰͝e̶͚͠m ̪̈́k̶̜̇i ̰̈́l̵̬̔l̶̔ͅẗ̶̼h ̥͆ḛ̵̈m̶͇͋k̵̰̈́i̴͉̽l̴̨͆l̴̼͌t ̭̐h̵͇͊ȇ̴̦m ͊ͅk̴̜̐i̴̩̊l ͔̈́ḽ̵̒t ̢͝ḧ̵̟́e̵͈͊m̶̳͐k̵̼̓i ̥̋l ̩̐l ̭͋t ͓͂h ͊͜e̴̓ͅḿ̴̙k ͈̅ĭ̵̼l̵͇̈́l̶̘͝ţ̶̽h̶͓̀ê̵̜m̴̱͐k̵̭͝i ̞́l ̞͘l ̝̿t̶͚͒h̴̤͗ȇ̶̥m̵̋ͅk̶͚͌i ̱͛l̵̙͘l̴̥̾t̶̹͐h̶̟̍e ̪̊m̶͓̃k ͎̍i̴̬͊l ̖̈́l ͉́t ̥̋ḧ̵̳́e ̜̾m̵̧̎k ̺̒i ͔̈l ̢͊l ̺̕t ̮͋ḧ̵̲́ě̵̯ṃ̴̚k ͇͠i̴͇͝l ͇̄l̵̰͛ẗ̴̟́h̴̘̒e ̹͛m̶̻̑k̵̢͒i̵̗̍ĺ̵̙l̴̀͜t ̲͗h ̖̽ệ̶m̵̼̊k̶̼̂i ͚̎l ́ͅl ̫̕ť̵̘h̴̰͝e̶͚͠m ̪̈́k̶̜̇i ̰̈́l̵̬̔l̶̔ͅẗ̶̼h ̥͆ḛ̵̈m̶͇͋k̵̰̈́i̴͉̽l̴̨͆l̴̼͌t ̭̐h̵͇͊ȇ̴̦m ͊ͅk̴̜̐i̴̩̊l ͔̈́ḽ̵̒t ̢͝ḧ̵̟́e̵͈͊m̶̳͐k̵̼̓i ̥̋l ̩̐l ̭͋t ͓͂h ͊͜e̴̓ͅḿ̴̙

"Uh oh, it's happening"

by mommy? sorry, mommy? January 28, 2022

19👍 4👎

uh huh

used when you don't really care about something that someone is talking about.

friend: dam i got an ear infection.

you: uh huh

by zero xaiver June 4, 2006

132👍 61👎


the ultimate guide to asian erotism that helps ease your anxiety before final exams. do not use unless it's emergency.

-hey yo how's your studying going?
-the final's in 2 hours and i'm freakin' out...
-take it easy man. check out uh-oh.com!

by the penetrator May 3, 2005

249👍 123👎

Uh haha

Uh haha uh haha uh haha uh haha uh haha uh haha uh haha uh haha uh haha uh ahah uh haha uh ahah uh haha

uh haha good morning

by Phsm October 3, 2019

10👍 2👎

uh buh

When someone says something completely obvious and stupid the reply would be "uh buh" as in you are a completley brainless fool

girl: *points to a fish* thats a fish
boy: UH BUH!!!!!

by amylovesjamie January 8, 2007

11👍 2👎

Er, uh

The catchphrase of the sexiest Clone High character, JFK.

Fowa suppah, I, er, uh, want a pawty plattah!
(Translation for virgins; For supper, I, er, uh, want a party platter!)

by dieStri September 15, 2020

7👍 1👎