Source Code

vancouver transit

Obsolete and Archaic transit system that Gregor Robertson thinks vancouverites will settle for. The trains break down at least twice a year and the buses are crowded with hipsters and deluded 20 year old males who hold starbuck cups.

"Calgary's transit system is so bad!"

"Have you seen the Vancouver transit system, man?"

by gimme the money October 17, 2015

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Vancouver Maneuver

Much like the large amount of precipitation that Vancouver, WA receives in the fall, the Vancouver Maneuver deals with a significant loss of liquids --- So make sure to hydrate!!

First, a subject (male or female) woos to ladies into a hotel room where they are provided adequate amounts of alcohol. Next, the two women - both seated facing the protagonist - are pleasured for several minutes with each hand until maximum arousal is reached (this works best if the hotel has massage beds). Then, just before the climax is reached, the recruiting subject lights a match or lighter under the sprinkler head... and Presto!! The combination of squirting subjects and emergency sprinklers creates the effect of the Washington climate; leaving the subject soaked!

For expert trials- use a rain gauge to measure the amount of success!

Jim: "*Cough *Cough, this room is soo dry... I could use a change of climate in here."

Stephen: "That's silly Jim, how would you do that?"

Jim: "Let me search Urban Dictionary... "

"hmmm...I think I have a solution... the Vancouver Maneuver.... ehh?"

Stephen: "Where are you going?"

Jim: "Miss Tracy's liquor store, I have an appointment."

by D-Tails November 19, 2011

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vancouver red light

Once a light has turned red, 3 or 4 more cars may go through, most often making left turns.

bill: "dude, the light just turned red!"
jeff: "no worries, it's a vancouver red light, i've still got time."

by rbostyle March 13, 2009

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Vancouver Island MusicFest

Bizarre yet beautiful Vancouver Island musical gathering with 6 stages over 250 musicians and 1000 wild and wooley volunteers where helicopter dancers flourish, teens come of age, generations of families camp and play and hang out together, babies get conceived in droves and campers delicately balace sleep deprivation, high levels of beer intake and a blissful euphoria that comes with hearing some of the best music on the planet!

Vancouver Island MusicFest is the most awesome event I've ever been to.

by Ms. Vera Lynn February 20, 2010

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vancouver, wa

lived in vancouver wa my whole life and escaped to a bigger more diverse city as soon as possible. depressing and gloomy and mental health is terrible due to seasonal depression (duh. it rains for like 10/12 months out of the year). the waterfront is the only saving grace. downtown is kinda cool only because it's now a Portland Lite. too many people are on extremes of the political divide. you'll end up encountering right-wing conspiracy theorists and extreme left-wingers alike. schools are terrible unless you are in Mountain View, Union, or Camas (if you're in Camas you're probably rich). houses cost too much now; the middle class can give up on ever owning a house. everyone is super cold and distant. despite its problems Californians keep moving here or coming for vacation. i guess if you like hiking and trees and non-polluted air it's a decent place to live. everyone outside of vancouver does not know what it is.

other person: "Where do you live?"
vancouverite: "Vancouver, WA"
other person: "I love Canada!"
vancouverite: "..."

by sadvancouverite October 4, 2022

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Vancouver Art Gallery

Vancouver Art Gallery (V.A.G.) is a pseudonym used for the vagina. It is often used to hide the true nature of a conversation.

Man, there is a nice exhibit down at that Vancouver Art Gallery. I really want to see it!

by t6783 September 30, 2009

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Vancouver Thunder Strike

The act of cumming on a girl's face and tasing her simultaneously. For whatever reason, this is immensely popular in British Columbia.

I don't think I'm ever going to see Joanna again, last night I gave her a Vancouver Thunder Strike.

by Dr. Doug E. Fresh June 1, 2010

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