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kyle walsh

a cat rapist and wiener lover he likes big cock and his dads balls and he diddles his freinds and is secretly a gay man but denies it

kyle walsh is a diddler,- kyle walsh yea he is gay,_

by mason and wyatt are innocent November 22, 2018

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sam walsh

A man with a 12 inch dong

See Sam Walsh over there. He gives me a nice piping

by Gammon head February 12, 2019

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Brennan walsh

Brennan Walsh a violent predator that feasts on elderly women

1. Oh your such a Brennan Carl

2. Hey you Brennan !, get your hands off Sams grandma !

Brennan Walsh a person with extreme aggression

by Brennan Walsh December 13, 2017

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great walsh bustus

a resort called great walsh bustus resortπŸ€—

person 1: my dad got us tickets 😍😍
person 2: to where????!!!
person 1: were going to great walsh bustus resort πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί

by reymki January 29, 2022

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Brandon Walsh Syndrome

Named after the character from Beverly Hills 90210, it is when a girl best friend falls for her male best friend, knowing there is no chance at all for it to be anything more than just platonic. Like Andrea Zuckerman and Brandon Walsh.

I can't beleive I like Joe, I seriously have Brandon Walsh Syndrome.

Ex. Did you see Mary, she is always with Ben, she seriously must have Brandon Walsh Syndrome.

by heartmonkey February 20, 2009

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Pullin' a Nick Walsh

wearing a plain T-Shirt with no writing on it what-so-ever

John stop "pullin' a Nick Walsh".

by Joey Ruz April 8, 2011

Walsh Middle School

Where all of the snobby ass brats go to school. Don't be suprised to see kids vaping and fighting

Person: Hey, did you see the fight yesterday at Walsh Middle School
Person 2: Yeah dude, it was fucking crazy

by xXMintXx December 7, 2019